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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Learning More About Mouth Cancer Symptoms

Mouth cancer, which is also known as oral cancer, commonly involves the tongue, lips, gums, palate as well as the mouth cavity's membrane lining. This cancer is developed as the result of malignant cell growth. Mouth cancer can affect men and women especially those who have reached the age of 40. The risk of suffering from this disease will increase if the individuals chew smokeless tobacco. Besides, severe periodontal disease and family history of oral cancer can also put someone at higher risk of oral cancer. Learning the symptoms is a good initial step to know if you are infected by this disease. By identifying mouth cancer symptoms, you still have time to prevent more complications such as speech problems or the spread to lymph nodes. In addition, learning the symptoms may give you the chance to get early treatment. Here are the symptoms that you can learn:
1. Sores or lump inside the mouth, on the gums or on your lip. These sores are symptoms of oral cancer when they don't heal, there is a change in its size and bleed easily. Thickening skin or lump in the cheek can also be the symptom of this cancer. Notify your doctor when you experience these symptoms so that he can check if you are suffering from this cancer.
2. Red or white patches in the mouth, gums or tongue. The size and appearance of these patches can change and they can be the sign of this cancer.
3. Numbness and teeth problems. A sign of mouth cancer can be painful teeth. If your teeth become painful or they are loose, be wary of this condition. Oral cancer can also cause the jaw to swell. Thus if you wear denture and your jaw swells, you will feel that it doesn't fit properly anymore. Another sign of this cancer is any numbness in the mouth.
4. Bad breath and voice changes. Commonly, someone who is suffering from this cancer has bad breath and voice changes. The breath usually doesn't go away with brushing or mouth wash usage. You should also notice any voice changes as it can be the sign of oral cancer.
These are some common symptoms of mouth cancer but if you experience one of these symptoms, it doesn't mean that you are infected by the disease. You may only have an infection that can be cured with antibiotics. If you are suspicious about the symptoms that you experience, take a note of them. Make a list and show it to your doctor on your next visit.
To find out more information about mouth cancer symptoms please visit You will find some useful information and tips.

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