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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kissing Away the Boo Boos: Helping Kids Fight Cancer

Mothers will always try to protect their children from everything they possibly can. We keep them away from sick people and make sure they have enough layers on to keep them warm in winter. Being a mom is a challenge, sometimes we lose, and sometimes we win.
Children who are frightened or injured will cry out for mommy. Mommy will administer tender loving care, a kiss and a band aid; the child will instantly feel better. There are those times when a kiss and a band aid simply do not cover the situation.
We hear more and more about children with cancer these days. These children and their parents are discovering that life is about to change for them forever. Cancer treatments are very apt to include surgery along with chemotherapy or radiation. This is terribly hard on a child, and possibly just as hard on the parents who stand by helplessly. Mothers are used to taking control of their kids' wellbeing through sickness and health, we fall apart when hugs and kisses won't make it all better, our child is in pain and there is nothing we can do about it.
Fortunately there are doctors working around the clock to find new ways to cure cancer. A tremendous amount of money is being sent from all over the world so doctors and researchers can devote all their time and energy into finding new ways to make a difference in the treatment of cancer. Thankfully there have been huge medical advances in the last several years.
Most years there are big corporations joining in the cause for cancer awareness by seeking donations from their customers to help cancer research. Companies like Wal-Mart and McDonald's ask their customers to donate an extra dollar or so at the check out counter to help fund research. Many customers who are able to donate do so. Obviously, one must always contribute to their own family's support before helping others, but if each customer gave just a dollar, a huge difference could be made in discovering better cancer treatments and even a vaccine that would stop the disease before it started.
Most of us never imagine that it could be our child who suddenly gets sick and is diagnosed with cancer. We figure that since we have no history of cancer in our family surely our children won't have to worry about that. No parent ever expects their child will get sick, especially not with cancer. But those parents and children who suddenly find their world upside down cannot stress enough how important cancer research is.
It doesn't matter who we are, we are all in agreement that no child anywhere deserves to suffer, particularly something as painful and stress-inducing as cancer. It is fortunate for us that millions of dollars are donated annually to find ways to mitigate the disease if not end it entirely. There are some rare forms of cancer that sadly have no chance of a cure as yet. Even among the cancers where treatment plans are available, a patient is deemed to be cured if they have been in remission for five years. Five years does not seem like a big deal when a child is involved.
As parents, the thing that we want most for our children is for them to live long and happy lives. While we cannot kiss their boo boos to make it all better, we can donate to cancer research in the hopes that one day doctors will be able to discover a permanent cure for cancer because every kid deserves the chance to live their live to the fullest.
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Jaipur Foot said...
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