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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Colon Cancer Cures - Finding Natural Cures For Cancer

Recognizing and understanding your cancer and how it affects your body .... will help in finding natural colon cancer cures.

There are many documented testimonies of finding help with alternative and natural remedies for colon cancer... If you are suspicious that you may have to hear those fateful words, here are a few signs of colon cancer. this is just for reference sake, please seek professional advice before taking any drastic steps!

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Constipation or Diarrhea, and feeling like the bowel is not emptying completely...
  • Either dark or bright red blood in the stool
  • Smaller and narrower stools than usual
  • Abdominal discomfort (frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness, and/or cramps)
  • Losing weight and not understanding why
  • Always feeling tired
  • Feeling like vomiting or actual vomiting

No one knows exactly what is causing the increasing numbers of cancer in the colon, however there are several factors that seem to be possible risk factors.

Age: It is more likely to appear in people over the age of 50, however there have been cases as young as in their teens.

Diet: Cancer seems to be more associated with diets that are high in fat and calories and low in fiber. Researchers are saying that Having a diet high in fiber is very possibly a preventative when it comes to any kind of cancer.

Family Medical History: People with a family history or family members that have had colorectal cancer or breast cancer seem to be at a higher risk of getting it, too.

However, it seems like there is really no known rhyme or reason for who gets targeted and don't let anyone tell you there is no cure other than chemotherapy, radiation or being robbed of parts of your insides!

There are too many stories of natural cancer cures that have helped people and too much evidence of survivors of colon cancer.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

I’ve been using various metaphysical healing methods, but I’ve found them to be actually making my ability to deal with everything get worse, not better. I had many visits to a psychologist last year but with no tangible improvement.

Spiritual work (prayer, reconnection to God, asking for God’s healing energy to come down and fully fill my body and aura) has been the only method that has made any difference, and has at times produced some remarkable changes. We had Eric Unwin stay in our house for a week last year, running daily sessions where he talked about God, setting our days and our intentions in God, reconnecting with Him, etc. At the end of the week I had spectacularly recovered from a lengthy period of post traumatic stress.

When I suffered another period of even more intense post traumatic stress just in the past few weeks after my latest surgery and extremely painful recovery, again, when I specifically started reconnecting to God and praying on a regular basis and asking for his healing energy to come down and fill my body and aura, I recovered almost immediately, whereas I had been very rapidly going backwards with EFT a week earlier.

I have noticed that there is a different agenda going on with regard to what we think we want as far as healing our bodies is concerned, and what our inner self/soul seems to want. Its agenda seems to be for us to achieve the greater plan for our life which does include negative things that will force us (hopefully) to re-connect with our inner selves and God. So it may give signals that all is well, all is healing fully when in physical terms we are actually getting worse. So all things in the metaphysical realm should be interpreted with that different agenda in mind. Do we want to progress on our greater life’s path (and perhaps even die as a result of the cancer), or do we want to be cancer free? Sometimes those two are opposing results.

It’s up to us to decide which result we want, and to trust God that in the long run, ‘all is well with my soul’,
as the old song goes.

V., March 2008

Monday, June 29, 2009

Common Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a medical problem that is quite lethal and is regarded as one of the hardest cancers to distinguish when in the early levels. When this cancer spreads it will extend to the whole colon as well as the rectum and it might spread to other essential organs in in the body.

There are certain types of measures that can be taken to address colon cancer - but the risks of survival are weakened when the person is in the late stage of it. For better chances of survival it is crucial to discover how to recognise the early symptoms of colon cancer. The earlier you can get the treatment you demand the higher your chance is to survive and beat it.

The more standard early symptoms is rectal bleeding. However, this might normally be mixed up with hemorrhoids. This is not the time to be taking any risks or guessing your medical condition. Rather you need to talk to your doctor and let them find out for you what the problem is.

Blood contained in your bowel movements is another common misdiagnosed sign. Sometimes the blood can be dry and it can be challenging to find or forgotten easily. This bleeding is usually an indication that there is a tumor contained in the colon or the rectum.

There are other more subtle signs that individuals never seem to discover because they are not hurtful or scary in anyway. Narrow stools over a long period of time could be a sign of a tumor. The narrow shape of the waste in your body is induced when it is trying to make its way round the tumor.

If you have been feeling constipated and bloated for a long period of time then you should confer with your doctor. Also nausea and vomiting can take place and seems to happen without any obvious reason. You may also experience that you perpetually have to eliminate a bowel - but can't seem to. All of this is induced by the tumor in your rectum or colon.

Make sure that you contact your doctor and have a complete exam if you are feeling any of these troubles. Early detection can increase your survival rate and serve you to live your life in ease.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

I am NOW a firm believer in the fact that you have to change your lifestyle to give your body time to heal. ... When you are diagnosed with Cancer you should treat it as though you have just been told that you have a week to live, it is that serious and yet we don't all seem to take it that seriously.
What people need is 'tough Love' and you should approach their care like a trainer training an athlete. ... So change lifestyle or accept the consequences.

L. K.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Foods to Eat to Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Each year there are thousands of people affected by colon cancer and many more are trying to determine ways as to help prevent it from occurring. One thing you should learn is how to eat to prevent colon cancer. By having the ability to reduce your chances at being affected by colon cancer you are more likely to enjoy each and every day to its fullest without the worry of contracting any sort of cancer.

With the amount of people affected by colon cancer each year it is wise to learn the different methods you can take to better your chances at becoming another statistic.

When walking through your grocery store there are many very appealing food items that can be very bad for you. It's time to avoid these. Grocery stores put the produce department first for a reason. It's the healthiest options and everyone should purchase the majority of their food from this area.

You should consume a large amount of fruit and vegetables each and every day but some really important ones include blueberries and all those green leafy vegetables. They may not all be overly tasteful, but when you combine them into various recipes they could be.

Another change you should consider doing is switching the type of bread and rice you eat. It is proven that eating whole wheat bread and whole wheat rice is so much better for you. When you have the ability to eat something that increases your chances at fighting against various illnesses then do it.

It can be hard changing your diet entirely so you should really focus on reducing the amount of animal fats and also cholesterol that you eat on a regular basis. These two things are some of the main causes as to why people contract colon cancer so avoid them as much as you can.

No one likes finding out they are dealing with any sort of cancer especially colon cancer. Decrease your chances at becoming someone who is dealing with colon cancer by making simple changes within your diet and becoming healthier. There are many ways that you can help prevent colon cancer, but learning how to eat to prevent colon cancer seems to be one effective and easy option for everyone to do. Make some simple changes and see the benefits, but remember it does take time to get use to so don't give up too quickly as you need to learn to love your new diet before you will want to settle with it.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.
Napoleon Hill

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Colon Cancer Causes and Prevention

If curing colon cancer is very difficult, it is quite contrary to prevent it. In fact, the majority of cancers of the rectum and colon could be prevented through regular checkup (examination or inspection), healthy lifestyle (eating healthy foods, regular colon cleansing, exercise, etc.), and chemoprevention.

Annual Check-up - annual health checkups is recommended to help detect health problems in their early stages. Early medical visit is the best preventive method to save your life from bowel cancer. Bowel cancer tends to develop in the polyps. Most polyps are present no symptoms at early stage, they are usually discovered at the time of colon cancer screening (digital rectal exam, flexible sigmoidoscopy, Barium enema, colonoscopy or virtual colonoscopy). Being present microscopically, benign colon polyps tend to transform with time into colon cancer. These abnormalities can be detected and removed early during a colonoscopy (a visual examination of examination of the large colon and the distal part of the small bowel) to avoid complications. It is estimated that this procedure could be reduced by 80% the risk of occurrence of intestinal cancer when you begin these tests at around 45, then every 5 or 10 years.

Diet and Lifestyle - it is no doubt that your lifestyle can increase the risk of cancer. The incidence of colorectal cancer (colon cancer or large bowel cancer) is very frequent in places where people practice the following: physical inactivity, excess calories intake (especially of saturated fat, protein, and sugar), alcohol abuse, consumption of a diet rich in red meat, sausages and hot dogs. Conversely, physical activity and a eating a diet rich in fruit and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, watercress, bok choy, etc.) containing antioxidant micronutrients would reduce the risk of cancer or its reoccurrence. In fact, these foods can be used as preventive and curative methods; a diet composed mostly of fruits, cruciferous veggies and fish may reduce the risk or cure certain bowel cancers at their genesis.

Chemoprevention - this method consist of the use of natural or synthetic substances in order to prevent, reverse, or delay the development of cancer cells. Micronutrients such as iron, cobalt, chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, zinc and molybdenum, as well as other nutrients like calcium, folic acid (Vitamin B9), and certain medications such as aspirin may inhibit cancerogenesis, according to some studies in animals. Others studies show significant inhibition of spontaneous intestinal polyps in mice and rats.

Other substances used in chemoprevention include Cyclooxygenase-2-Selective Inhibitors (COX2), a form of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that directly targets COX-2, an enzyme responsible for inflammation and peptic ulceration. When it comes to your health, prevention is always better than treatment, which does always lead to cure; make your first step today to prevent or eradicate colon cancer; visit, or click on the in the resource box below.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients,

Cancer patients need encouragement, HOPE and more often than not, a BIG dose of "You CAN do this!" They do not need endless sympathy or to be coddled. My husband and my doc were the "coaches" in my life and they ACTED like coaches. I think through my 8-months toward healing I was allowed an actual pity party only two times. They supported me and encouraged me BUT they did not ALLOW me to change my program or take days off or do anything that would jeopardize the effectiveness of the program. I needed that accountability and I believe that most cancer patients need someone who will be honest and truthful even if it means seeming like you are ragging on them. This is not meanness or discouragement, it is called LOVE.
We are all creatures of habit and change is one of the most difficult things in life to implement, especially if you feel like you are the only one that must change. There were times when I felt like crying when everyone els was having an iced-cold Dr. Pepper and I was having a glass of distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar. But as I begin to get well, it got to where it didn't bother me any more. As my habits changed so did my attitude, my emotions and my sense of well-being.
We are fooling ourselves if we don't take the time needed to heal. I don't mean sitting on the couch all day and crying---although I had a couple of those days. I mean changing a lifestyle that brought your body into dis-ease into a lifestyle that brings health and healing. I believe that it is Dr. Lorraine Day that says it is necessary to take a year off to just focus on health-----not cancer----but health. It's all in how you look at things-----being positive or being negative and continually thinking about all the things that you "can't" do. By the way, it will do everyone well to remove the words "can't" and "but" from their vocabulary. These are negative words and are cop-out words
Loretta Lanphier, MD, who healed herself of cancer

Friday, June 26, 2009

Colon Cancer Survival Statistics - What You Didn't Know About Cancer!

Colon cancer was one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S in 2005. 72,000 men and 69,000 women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. About 26,700 and 26,200 died from colorectal cancer. It is a disease that is very common in today's world, but the good news is that the survival rate has been going up for the last 20 years.

The reason for this is better health care, faster treatment and modern advances. Doctors believe that colon cancer could almost be completely prevented if people went to regular screenings such as a colonoscopy. Today many new techniques for screening are being discovered, they are less intrusive and take less time, so going on routine screenings is easier than ever.

The average survival rate for patients that have been struck by colon cancer is:

62% in Austria
43% in Europe
68% in Korea
62% in the United States of America

It also depends on which stage the cancer is caught. The earlier the stage, the better your chances of survival. For example, if the disease is caught at its earliest stage, all that is needed is a small incision to remove the growth and you're done. At its earliest stage, the survival rate is above 95%. Getting regular screenings is crucial to discovering the disease in time and increasing your chances of survival.

It is said that if Americans were screened regularly, it would save about 25,000 lives each and every year. You can also decrease the chances that you will get cancer by eating healthy foods and living a healthy life.

Do you want to learn what foods increase your wellbeing? Visit Colon Health Advice and read up on how you can prevent colon cancer.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will.
Norman Vincent Peale

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in this life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Colon Cancer Signs, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

According to the latest facts, over 145,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer symptoms each year. Colorectal is a cancerous condition that affects the organs of the digestive system and rectum. The body's primary digestive systems is made up of a large intestinal tract and colon.

Hence, the name colorectal. Combined these two organs have the responsibility of digesting food and extracting minerals and vitamins for the blood-stream where they are distributed to other parts of the body promoting nutritional health.

Symptoms include a wide variety of signs that indicate problems may be developing. Screening for early detection will play a significant role in helping you to overcome. Symptoms can include serious pain in your abdominal region, loss of appetite, blood in your bowel movements, feeling weak and fatigued, ongoing diarrhea, or prolonged constipation.

While these are not all inclusive symptoms, if you have chronic signs as these, you should consult with your doctor for further screening. The signs could be an indication of something entirely different such as something less serious, but nonetheless, should be treated.

Doctors use different methods to diagnose colon or colorectal cancer. The screening process involves a series of tests to evaluate this condition. The first and most common is a rectum exam where the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to feel for lumps or growths. This is usually followed by a fecal test where stool samples are taken and analyzed for abnormalities.

If abnormalities are detected, a more advanced method may be employed such as the use of digital imaging that uses a variety of technological imaging devices to see inside the body. This can include MRI's, CT's, Colonoscopy, and even Ultrasounds. A biopsy may be required once the findings of abnormalities are confirmed.

Treatment can be intrusive or non-intrusive depending on the treatment plan your doctor designs for your treatment. The stage of colorectal cancer greatly determines the methods of treating cancer in the colon. Surgery is the most common treatment. Here affected sections of the intestines are simply removed. Depending on how large a section is removed will determine if the patient has to have a colostomy - where a stoma is inserted and body waste products are passed through to a bag and discarded.

Non-intrusive treatments can involve radiation therapy, chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, or Electrofulgeration. Each can be discussed with your doctor and each may have its own side effects. Prescription medications may be taken to help alleviate pain after surgery. Use the resources on the Internet site to find information on prevention, find pictures, understand the colon cancer stages, types of rectal carcinomas (cancer de colon), and find alternative treatments.

Discover the natural healing properties of antioxidants in acai berry and experience better health with acai starting today.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

The future you see is the future you get.
Robert G Allen

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, June 22, 2009

Colon Cancer Treatment Options

The earlier colon cancer is detected, the higher survival rate increase. Colon cancer can be treated successfully with early detection so the best treatment of colon cancer is being checked regularly if you have a family history of it, fall under any of the risks factors for colon cancer, or are the age 50 or above.

Depending on the size of the cancer, location, overall general health, and in what stage the cancer was detected will play a factor into what type of treatment will be discussed with you through your doctor. The most common method of colon cancer treatment is surgical removal often followed by chemo or radiation is it is felt there is any risk of cancerous cells remaining. Surgical removal of cancer in the colon often results in a temporary or permanent colostomy. Your surgeon will remove the cancer from your colon along with a certain percentage of healthy colon on each side of the cancerous growth. They will then reattach the colon. In many cases, if the cancer is not caught at onset, the surgeon will have to remove quiet a large section of the colon leading to the need of a permanent colostomy bag. A colostomy bag becomes the new exit for your bodies waste. Sometimes a patient will have to wear a temporary colostomy bag to give the colon the proper time needed to heal successfully.

Chemotherapy or radiation may follow the surgical procedure if there is any chance that cancer cells were missed or thought to be in other areas of your body. Chemotherapy medications are administered either through an IV or through a pill form. The medication kills and controls cancerous cells. If colon cancer is caught at early onset, and presents very small and isolated, your doctor may consider using just chemotherapy or radiation to eliminate the cancer.

Radiation therapy uses ionizing radiation to control malignant cancer cells either before or after surgery, or both. It can also be done solely if the colon cancer is caught early. Before surgery, it is generally used to control and/or minimize the size of the tumor to make removal of the tumor easier. After surgery it s used to eradicate any existing cancer cells that may still be present. The ionized radiation is applied directly to the tumor and a small amount of the surrounding healthy tissue to ensure that the entire tumor is treated.

Biological therapy is also being offered to patients with colon cancer. It is still on a research basis treatment; however, researches have been seeing significant results. Biologic therapy works with your body's immune system to eliminate cancer cells. Currently there are several different types of biological therapy being tested including interferons, interleukins, colony stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, gene therapy, and nonspecific immune-modulating agents. Biological therapy can be used in conjunction of more traditional means of therapy, or depending on the stage of colon cancer, it can be used solely. The different types of biologic therapies, in theory, are a means to wake up your own immune system to recognize the cancer cells as being a foreign object in your system and fight them off much like your immune system does when you get a virus. Most of the biologic therapies are used to stop the growth of cancer cells, or control or suppress the growth.

If faced with colon cancer, educate yourself to all of the options available to you and discuss them in detail with your doctor. If you fall in the risk factors of colon cancer such as over the age of 50, previous history of cancer, family history, or other colon/rectal related problems make sure you get regular check ups. Early detection is essential in the battle of colon cancer.

Colon Cleansing - Cancer Prevention

Cancer of the colon is a statistical probability that many in western countries may have to face. Also known as colorectal and large bowel cancer, it is the third commonest form of cancer. There is a diagnostic incidence of approximately 100 a day in the United Kingdom. In 2008, over 100,000 colonic cancers were diagnosed in the US. Sufferers are predominantly from the developed world.

The survival rate for colon cancer, currently approximating 50%, improves with early diagnosis. Although the mortality rate has decreased in recent years, probably due to better colon screening programmes that have allowed early detection and timely treatment, it remains high enough to warrant consideration as a dangerous threat to longevity.

Cancer is the process and consequence of cells dividing and multiplying uncontrollably and at a faster than normal rate. The mass of tissue formed by the growth and collection of those abnormal cells is known as a tumour.

A tumour that enlarges but stays in one place is referred to as benign.

When those cells begin and continue to invade surrounding organs or break away from their original site to spread to other organs via the blood and lymph systems and grow in the same uncontrollable way, the tumour is then categorized as malignant. This process of abnormal cell propagation is known as metastasis. Malignant tumours are very often seriously life-threatening, causing death, sometimes very soon after diagnosis.

Screening and prevention are crucial in the drive to reduce colorectal cancer mortality rates. Tumours have metastasized in one fifth of cases at the time of diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms.

Blood and mucus in the stools.
Persistent diarrhea or constipation.
Unexplained abdominal pain or swelling.
Weight loss.

Although there may be other causes for the above signs and symptoms, it would be sensible to seek medical advice to elucidate causality.


There is a statistical age correlation. 80% of cases are in the 60 + group.

It is generally believed that diet plays a contributory role in bowel cancer. For example, research has indicated that excessive consumption of red meat may increase the chance of developing colon cancer. When inside the bowels, a pigment that colours red meat breaks down into chemicals that can damage the DNA in cells lining the intestinal tract. Those damaged cells may then proliferate in a way that causes the formation of tumours. On the other hand, a diet consisting of oily fish, fruits, vegetables and fibre-rich foodstuff reduces the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Heavy smoking and alcohol-drinking are also thought to be possible causes.

Obesity and being overweight are among the suspected culprits.

Those from a family with a history of bowel cancer and having previously suffered from polyps seem to fall in the higher risk group.

Lack of exercising appears to be linked to the incidence of the disease.

Inflammation of the lining of the intestinal tract is suspected of predisposing it to carcinoma. Conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease may increase the risk of developing bowel cancer.


Colon cancer is treated by :-
• surgery - the most used method,
• chemotherapy - a post-surgical and palliative option and
• radiotherapy - in selected cases


The results from screening programmes to facilitate early detection have been encouraging. There is an 80% chance of treatment being successful when the disease is discovered early. The risk of fatality is reduced by 16% by having regular bowel checks. The U.K's National Bowel Screening Programme, started in 2006, aims to offer all those in the at-risk age-group a Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test by 2009.

Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are other detection and diagnostic tools that should be promptly considered when there is the slightest concern about the healthy functions of the bowel, particularly if any of the above signs and symptoms is experienced.


Preventing cancer from starting in the first place clearly has to be high on the list of priorities.

We can all make a very significant contribution to reducing the risks of becoming a victim of colon cancer. Thus, starting a healthier diet, taking up exercise, paying attention to our weight and waist line, reviewing drinking and smoking habits are steps that we can action. The sooner they are considered and practiced, the lesser the risks of succumbing to carcinoma of the bowel.

Colon cleansing.

It has been said that death starts with an unhealthy colon.

A colon that is not evacuating properly becomes impacted with decaying matter. Harmful toxins accumulate in the bowels and are absorbed into the blood stream. Parasite infestation, infection, inflammation, ulceration and cancerous tumours are other possible developments within a dysfunctional colon.

A healthy colon is absolutely essential to prevent ailments that may create a medium for the development of cancer. Inflammation of the lining of the intestines has been linked to tumour formation.

Colon cleansing is therefore certainly worth including in a preventative plan for good colonic and general health.

Used by the Egyptians over a millennium ago, colon cleansing is still valued today as a detox treatment that rids the colon of toxins that can be absorbed in the blood stream, parasites that can infest and attack the lining of the intestinal tract, mucus that can have pathogenic effects and decomposing matter that has overstayed within its walls causing constipation.

Colon cleansing, as well as contributing to the prevention of bowel cancer, may also be beneficial to constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, effective peristalsis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticulitis, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, halitosis, hypertension, cholesterol control, auto-intoxication, sinus problems, backache, headaches, fatigue, hemorrhoids, insomnia, irritability and skin conditions.

The detoxifying effects of colon cleansing produce a feeling of well-being and vitality as more energy is derived from the better absorption of food nutrients through the cleaner intestinal walls.

The main aim of this article is to highlight the importance of awareness and being pro-active in the prevention of carcinoma of the large intestine. If you would like more specific information on how you could take preventative measures to protect your health, please check the site cited below.

For a free trial of a proven and revolutionary colon cleansing and weight loss system, please visit now

To receive free articles on personal health, please email and write 'health' in subject.

The author, Guy Allen has written a related article 'Well balanced diet, healthy colon and weight control can contribute to good health' which is also available from this source.

Taking an active interest and role in helping our body and mind to remain healthy is absolutely essential and will pay incalculable dividends in the short and long term.

Guy hopes that you have found this article helpful.

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Nido Qubein

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Nido Qubein

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Drugs That Are Utilized to Treat Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the worst and most irritating cancers that you may hurt from. This is because it can be tough to discover it in its early level and even harder to keep it from gravely wounding someone's body. However, there are distinct treatments that are used to help keep it from distributing to essential organs in the body.

Chemotherapy is the more frequent treatment employed to care for colon cancer. During this therapy physicians will settle on what kind of medicines that might be employed to help kill off the cancer cells and to maintain it from distributing. There are many several distinct medicines that can be employed - but only your physician will recognise which ones to utilize.


This is a type of medication that is used to keep the cancer cells from growing. This is employed to address not simply colon cancer - but likewise breast, rectum, stomach, and head cancers.


This is a commonly used drug that is given during chemotherapy for colon cancer and lung and ovarian cancer. There are some physicians that will allow the patient to take it on their own or who will prescribe it to them with other medicines for chemotherapy.


This is one form of chemotherapy drug that likewise operates to remove all the continuing cancerous cells that live in the body. It is utilized to care for colon cancer and will be given to the patient to take when required. Yet, the physician may give it to the person along with other drugs.


This is a kind of colon cancer drug that is utilised to care for the disease when it is in its later levels. It is a type of vitamin compound that is more efficient at increasing the usage of another drug called fluorouracil rather then fighting off the cancer.

Learn how you are able to identify the Signs Of Colon Cancer and the different ways that you can Prevent it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Colon Cancer Treatments For Ages 50 and Under

If you think colon cancer only starts at 50, think again. Even though detection methods have improved and there has been a decline in this type of cancer in people over 50, recent studies have revealed that this type of cancer has risen in people between the ages of 20 to 29 by 5.9%. Read more to find out why and what to do about it.

If this statistic might come as a shock to you, it shouldn't. Lifestyle is a big contributor to many of the ills that exist today. Added to this, toxins we can't escape from such as pesticides, synthetic hormones, chemicals, etc. all take there toll on our body's. Here are more factors contributing to early aged colon cancer:

  1. Fast Foods
  2. Red Meats
  3. Sedentary Lifestyles
  4. Smoking
  5. Obesity

The higher intake of caloric foods combined with less exercise and more stress take a big toll on your "gut" area. The colon is performs a vital function in food processing, nutritional distribution and waste elimination, sounds pretty important. The alarming increase in colon cancer among younger crowds is a reflection of how the new lifestyles of today are negatively impacting health.

Simple steps such as exercise and stress reduction can decrease your chances of colon problems dramatically. The beginning signs of colon problems like fatigue and irregular bowel movement are easily confused with working long hours and bad eating habits. Since this is a fairly new development closer attention from the younger groups is advised.

This cancer can be treated and corrected when caught early, most testing is covered by your health insurance plans and it doesn't take a lot of time to do them. If you feel some of the signs above might apply to you, get more information.

Start by going to Cancer Monitor for more information and alternatives on this subject. Colon Cancer Facts It's time to take back your Health. It's time to enjoy life again and it's your time to find out about all the choices you have for Good Health.

Your body was designed for healing, give it what it needs and it will do the rest.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cancer Updates

Amy Mickelson's public cancer battle has benefits, challenges

"Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts announced her breast cancer diagnosis on-air. Elizabeth Edwards hit the campaign trail with husband John Edwards after learning her cancer was back. And singer Melissa Etheridge performed bald and wrote a song about battling breast cancer.

As Amy Mickelson, the wife of popular pro golfer Phil Mickelson, goes public with her recent diagnosis of breast cancer, counselors and cancer patients say fighting cancer under the public glare can bring with it both benefits and challenges.

Read More about This story

New Yorkers have embraced 'Lefty' as a man of the people, even more so now as he prepares for the U.S. Open at Bethpage Black while his wife, Amy, battles breast cancer

They spent nearly seven hours together Tuesday, Phil Mickelson and his short-game coach, Dave Pelz.

In between all those practice chips and pitches at Bethpage Black, Pelz did his best to avoid the delicate topic -- the condition of Amy Mickelson, whose breast-cancer diagnosis prompted Phil to leave the PGA Tour for three weeks

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Cancer-stricken Dick Dale proves he's not over the hill

No amount of pain. No amount of worry. No amount of bad news could prevent the anointed "King of the Surf Guitar" from his music.

No, Dick Dale, the man behind "Miserlou" of Pulp Fiction fame, inevitably finds his safe place behind his Fender Stratocaster.

"My music soothes the beast," Dale said. "It makes one forget who they hate and who they are afraid of and for the moment, takes away all of one's problems, making them laugh, dance, sentimentally bringing happiness. It is like a good medicine. It opens the doors to one's soul so I can make them feel better."

It's an early afternoon interview as the 72-year-old left-handed guitar wizard relaxes at home in Southern California a few days before a West Coast Tour that brings him to Moe's Alley on June 21.

Read More about This story

More cancer patients seek out alternatives

TAMPA -- With much of her lower body consumed by cancer, Leslee Flasch finally faced the truth: The herbal supplements and special diet were not working.

"I want this thing cut out from me. I want it out," she told her family.

But it was too late. Her rectal cancer -- potentially curable earlier on -- had invaded bones, tissue, muscle, skin.

The 53-year-old Florida woman could barely sit, and constantly bled and soiled herself. She eventually died of the disease.
It was terrible," one doctor said. "The pain must have been excruciating."

Flasch had sought a natural cure. Instead, a deadly disease ran its natural course. And the herb peddlers who sold her hope in a bottle?

"Whatever money she had left in life, they got most of it," said a sister, Sharon Flasch. "They prey on the sick public with the belief that this stuff can help them, whether they can or can't."

Some people who try unproven remedies risk only money. But people with cancer can lose their only chance of beating the disease by skipping conventional treatment or by mixing in other therapies. Even harmless-sounding vitamins and "natural" supplements can interfere with cancer medicines or affect hormones that help cancer grow.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Prevent Leukemia

Leukemia is actually a very tricky disease that may be very hard to diagnose at early stages, but there are certain cautionary measures that can be undertaken to prevent the disease. These measures will also have to do with changes in one's lifestyle. People are actually advised to avoid exposing themselves to herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals to reduce the risks of contacting the disease.

Medics have also argued that Leukemia, in some cases, may be in the genes of a particular bloodline. If there is a history of Leukemia in one's lineage, there is a high chance of striking a member of the same lineage. It is also necessary to see a doctor for check-up if one notices exaggerated weight loss. Medics also argue that people who exercise regularly have low chances of developing the leukemia.

Though prevention of Leukemia is hard, diet can contribute greatly to its appearance. Societies where junk and fatty foods are not in common have reduced chances of experiencing Leukemia prevalence. If a person has been experiencing some disorders of blood, chances are higher that he may also be at risk of contracting Leukemia. It is thus necessary that such a person seeks medical advice as early as possible.

Any chronic health condition may be very hard to bear, and most people have a problem when asked to see a doctor quite often, especially when they are not sick. Leukemia is a disease that Prevention from its penetration or adverse effects is possible, only when the condition is detected early.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Effective Leukemia Treatment

Leukemia leads to a reduction of white blood cells in the body system. Leukemia can thus be treated by way of ensuring that the body increases the White blood cells count. Leukemia can also be treated just by use of the same methods as used to treat cancer.

Chemotherapy is one such way, though this may take too much time. In fact, treatment using this method can take a period of not less than two years. Another way of treating the condition is by fixing the bone marrow problem. This method is expensive and is done in very few countries since it involves use of sophisticated instruments and highly experienced medics.

Replacement of the infected bone marrow with a healthy one is what it entails. A radiation therapy is also recommended though this has to go hand in hand with chemotherapy. Radiation entails giving doses of x-ray for a couple of months.

In cases where there is overproduction of White blood cells, there may be some blood infections. This may lead to blood disorders, and hence become necessary to use antibiotics to fight the problem.

If leukemia is at early stages, one can prolong survival with active immunotherapy. This is however still being experimented, as it is reported by Leukemia Society of America. Leukemia is actually a chronic problem and its treatment is not a matter of a short duration of time. Patience is thus of paramount importance. Cases of complete eradication using the above mentioned methods have been reported worldwide.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What Are the Causes of Leukemia?

Leukemia is a form of cancer. Statistics show us that the disease is common with men, and the chances are higher in developed countries, and particularly with white people. In the United States alone, close to 30,000 cases of adults and about 2,000 children are diagnosed annually with Leukemia.

One major cause attributed to Leukemia is exposure to high energy radiations. During the World War 2 atomic bomb explosions left an indelible mark in the mentioned prone areas.

Leukemia is also apparent in the above mentioned society because of the intense exposure to low-energy radiations. This may be due from electromagnetic fields such as power lines and electric appliances e.g. electric blankets.

Certain toxic chemicals have also been identified to cause Leukemia. These include benzene and formaldehyde. It has also been noted that if one is exposed to some chemotherapy drugs used to treat other cancers, the chances of contacting Leukemia are made higher.

Certain genetic conditions are also likely to make one develop the condition of Leukemia. It has been said that cancer is reported in certain families. This is attributable to genetics. Sometimes children who have Down syndrome conditions have higher chances of getting Leukemia.

Research is still being done to explain the causes of Leukemia. From the research findings, Men are more prone to cancer than women. Some societies have associated the disease with supernatural causes. Though science is not concerned with speculations and matters of spirit, the disease will continue receiving attention from researchers and it is likely that the mystery will soon be solved.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

The Lymph System and Cancer

The lymphatic, or lymph, system of the body is the main portion of the body devoted to fighting off infections and staving off disease. The system works through a network of vein-like vessels as well as clusters of organs known as the lymph nodes. The entire lymph system is important for immunity but also plays a role in cancer.

Unlike the blood stream, the lymph system has a dual role in cancer cases. Not only is it important for fighting off the disease by producing white blood cells and a variety of other important devices in a body's attempt to kill off the cells, but it also is one of the most common ways for cancer to spread to the other areas and organs of the body through metastasis. The bloodstream plays a role in metastasis but not in the first.

Cancer can start in the lymphatic system. When this occurs, it is known as lymphoma. When cancer doesn't start in the lymphatic system, like breast cancer, lung cancer, or pancreatic cancer, the cancer cells of that type or location can spread or metastasize through the lymph system quite easily. Once the cells make their way into the lymph system, it is much harder not only to fight the original source but also to completely cure a person.

Fortunately, the lymph system gives an individual some warnings signs that there may be a tumor somewhere in the body. The biggest clue is that the lymph nodes are enlarged. While this may not seem like a big clue, there are lymph nodes located close to the surface in the neck which can be felt without any real expertise.

Enlarged lymph nodes may also be a sign that cancer has started somewhere and spread to the lymph system. The cells in a tumor are bent on total domination and so easily break off from a tumor. They then are easily picked up by the lymph and are then able to go anywhere in the body. Breast cancer, which is a commonly spread cancer, is able to set up colonies throughout the body by its easy access to the lymph nodes located in the arm pits as well as under the sternum.

If a person notices that his or her lymph nodes are swollen, it is somewhat easy to determine if they are swollen due to cancer. A simple biopsy will determine if they are swollen due to an illness in the body or if they are swollen due to cancer.

The mesothelioma attorneys of Williams Kherkher realize the difficulty of detecting mesothelioma at an early stage and so have familiarized themselves with the stages and progression of the disease.