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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients,

Cancer patients need encouragement, HOPE and more often than not, a BIG dose of "You CAN do this!" They do not need endless sympathy or to be coddled. My husband and my doc were the "coaches" in my life and they ACTED like coaches. I think through my 8-months toward healing I was allowed an actual pity party only two times. They supported me and encouraged me BUT they did not ALLOW me to change my program or take days off or do anything that would jeopardize the effectiveness of the program. I needed that accountability and I believe that most cancer patients need someone who will be honest and truthful even if it means seeming like you are ragging on them. This is not meanness or discouragement, it is called LOVE.
We are all creatures of habit and change is one of the most difficult things in life to implement, especially if you feel like you are the only one that must change. There were times when I felt like crying when everyone els was having an iced-cold Dr. Pepper and I was having a glass of distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar. But as I begin to get well, it got to where it didn't bother me any more. As my habits changed so did my attitude, my emotions and my sense of well-being.
We are fooling ourselves if we don't take the time needed to heal. I don't mean sitting on the couch all day and crying---although I had a couple of those days. I mean changing a lifestyle that brought your body into dis-ease into a lifestyle that brings health and healing. I believe that it is Dr. Lorraine Day that says it is necessary to take a year off to just focus on health-----not cancer----but health. It's all in how you look at things-----being positive or being negative and continually thinking about all the things that you "can't" do. By the way, it will do everyone well to remove the words "can't" and "but" from their vocabulary. These are negative words and are cop-out words
Loretta Lanphier, MD, who healed herself of cancer

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