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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kissing Away the Boo Boos: Helping Kids Fight Cancer

Mothers will always try to protect their children from everything they possibly can. We keep them away from sick people and make sure they have enough layers on to keep them warm in winter. Being a mom is a challenge, sometimes we lose, and sometimes we win.
Children who are frightened or injured will cry out for mommy. Mommy will administer tender loving care, a kiss and a band aid; the child will instantly feel better. There are those times when a kiss and a band aid simply do not cover the situation.
We hear more and more about children with cancer these days. These children and their parents are discovering that life is about to change for them forever. Cancer treatments are very apt to include surgery along with chemotherapy or radiation. This is terribly hard on a child, and possibly just as hard on the parents who stand by helplessly. Mothers are used to taking control of their kids' wellbeing through sickness and health, we fall apart when hugs and kisses won't make it all better, our child is in pain and there is nothing we can do about it.
Fortunately there are doctors working around the clock to find new ways to cure cancer. A tremendous amount of money is being sent from all over the world so doctors and researchers can devote all their time and energy into finding new ways to make a difference in the treatment of cancer. Thankfully there have been huge medical advances in the last several years.
Most years there are big corporations joining in the cause for cancer awareness by seeking donations from their customers to help cancer research. Companies like Wal-Mart and McDonald's ask their customers to donate an extra dollar or so at the check out counter to help fund research. Many customers who are able to donate do so. Obviously, one must always contribute to their own family's support before helping others, but if each customer gave just a dollar, a huge difference could be made in discovering better cancer treatments and even a vaccine that would stop the disease before it started.
Most of us never imagine that it could be our child who suddenly gets sick and is diagnosed with cancer. We figure that since we have no history of cancer in our family surely our children won't have to worry about that. No parent ever expects their child will get sick, especially not with cancer. But those parents and children who suddenly find their world upside down cannot stress enough how important cancer research is.
It doesn't matter who we are, we are all in agreement that no child anywhere deserves to suffer, particularly something as painful and stress-inducing as cancer. It is fortunate for us that millions of dollars are donated annually to find ways to mitigate the disease if not end it entirely. There are some rare forms of cancer that sadly have no chance of a cure as yet. Even among the cancers where treatment plans are available, a patient is deemed to be cured if they have been in remission for five years. Five years does not seem like a big deal when a child is involved.
As parents, the thing that we want most for our children is for them to live long and happy lives. While we cannot kiss their boo boos to make it all better, we can donate to cancer research in the hopes that one day doctors will be able to discover a permanent cure for cancer because every kid deserves the chance to live their live to the fullest.
If you enjoyed the above piece, it is easy to go look at additional related posts at Sy Schlager or this Sy Schlager Article.

Cancer Alternatives Cures - Introduction: Towards a Freedom of Choice

This quick guide on therapies for cancer treatment is to be understood in a purely informative nature. The aim of those who wrote it is not so much to steer the patient to start a therapy rather than another, but to inform him of the existence of possible "different" than the official ones already known.
In this sense, the information, which is the first step towards knowledge, could lead the patient or his family, to think freely and wider, the better chance of cure. Move towards a freedom of choice is a difficult path that can never be separated from knowledge.
We will speak more of the situations with poor prognosis, cases where the disease is advanced and the chances of healing are minimal, because it is assumed that in the most fortunate cases there is less need to reflect and to evaluate the possibility of taking different treatments.
This account can not be considered exhaustive at all about the different therapeutic options existing for the treatment of cancer, but does represent a strong effort of reflection on them.
In this perspective, this report can be considered certainly not an end point, but rather a starting point, a first step towards a brave awareness about this disease and what the patient or his family can "groped" beyond what they already know. In this sense, start to assume a more aware and active behaviour against the disease, could be of great help in precisely those situations with unfavorable prognosis, when despair is that we no longer know what to do.
The sense of impotence is not only devastating for the patient but also for all the people closest to him. So, overnight, they are in a "tunnel" without knowing why they have entered a way without a glimpse of an exit. But sometimes it can happen to feel the need to do something, and then think of alternatives is absolutely necessary, just to keep alive the hope.
In this contribution, rather than provide answers, deliberately trying to create questions, to question the certainties that seem to be acquired, conscious of the fact that the absolute truth on cancer unfortunately has not been found yet. The different therapeutic options to be discussed will not be deliberately treated comprehensively and completely, to leave to each patient or family, the right space for personal investigation. It is only through a series of reflections and subjective evaluations on the different treatment options that each patient will be able to decide their course of treatment.
The author has found an alternative source of Cancer cure. You can read further info by clicking here

Learning More About Mouth Cancer Symptoms

Mouth cancer, which is also known as oral cancer, commonly involves the tongue, lips, gums, palate as well as the mouth cavity's membrane lining. This cancer is developed as the result of malignant cell growth. Mouth cancer can affect men and women especially those who have reached the age of 40. The risk of suffering from this disease will increase if the individuals chew smokeless tobacco. Besides, severe periodontal disease and family history of oral cancer can also put someone at higher risk of oral cancer. Learning the symptoms is a good initial step to know if you are infected by this disease. By identifying mouth cancer symptoms, you still have time to prevent more complications such as speech problems or the spread to lymph nodes. In addition, learning the symptoms may give you the chance to get early treatment. Here are the symptoms that you can learn:
1. Sores or lump inside the mouth, on the gums or on your lip. These sores are symptoms of oral cancer when they don't heal, there is a change in its size and bleed easily. Thickening skin or lump in the cheek can also be the symptom of this cancer. Notify your doctor when you experience these symptoms so that he can check if you are suffering from this cancer.
2. Red or white patches in the mouth, gums or tongue. The size and appearance of these patches can change and they can be the sign of this cancer.
3. Numbness and teeth problems. A sign of mouth cancer can be painful teeth. If your teeth become painful or they are loose, be wary of this condition. Oral cancer can also cause the jaw to swell. Thus if you wear denture and your jaw swells, you will feel that it doesn't fit properly anymore. Another sign of this cancer is any numbness in the mouth.
4. Bad breath and voice changes. Commonly, someone who is suffering from this cancer has bad breath and voice changes. The breath usually doesn't go away with brushing or mouth wash usage. You should also notice any voice changes as it can be the sign of oral cancer.
These are some common symptoms of mouth cancer but if you experience one of these symptoms, it doesn't mean that you are infected by the disease. You may only have an infection that can be cured with antibiotics. If you are suspicious about the symptoms that you experience, take a note of them. Make a list and show it to your doctor on your next visit.
To find out more information about mouth cancer symptoms please visit You will find some useful information and tips.

Liver Cancer Tell Tale Signs and Symptoms

Liver is one of the important parts of our body that secrets bile juice and helps in the digestion of the food we eat. When cells in the liver start growing at an abnormal rate causing problems in the normal functioning of the liver then it should be suspected as liver cancer. It is very difficult to identify liver cancer at an early stage as it shows no signs and symptoms. Often the symptoms shown are also misleading and felt as some other health problem.
Scientific research shows that the causes of liver cancer are obesity, hepatitis B or C infection, extreme alcohol use and forming of Aflatoxin B1 from a mold called Aspergillus in our body. This mold enters our body through food. Coming to types of liver cancer the most common type is Hepato cellular cancer also called as Carcinoma. The other types are Cholangio carcinoma, Hepato blastoma and Angio sarcoma.
As told no particular symptoms are shown in the early stages of this cancer. But as the cancer develops then we can see some symptoms like pain in the abdomen. The pain is because of swelling of liver due to cancer cells. The other common symptom is Jaundice. Jaundice causes yellowing of skin or whitening of eyes. In the early stages we can see discoloration of skin.
Usually upset of abdomen is also observed in the cancer of the liver patients. This makes the patient lose the urge for food which leads to abnormal weight loss. Patients may feel unusually nauseous and may begin to vomit. As the disease progress one may observe fluids forming in the abdomen. Most of the times patients suffer with fever because of which patient may get headache, chills or sweating. Other common symptom is white and chalky stools.
Even though it is not possible to diagnose cancer of the liver in the early stages it is better to go to a doctor and undergo required tests when any of the above symptoms are observed. The chances of cure are high when liver cancer is in early stage than in advanced stage. In advanced stage the option is liver transplantation. With liver transplantation you are put on a waiting list until a compatible liver is found.
Best rout to take would be to go to the doctor when you are feeling bad. That way they can do the necessary test to see what the problem is and how best to treat it.
Next, read about Liver Cancer Signs. To read more about this subject go to Liver Signs and Symptoms blog.

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The Official Goal of Therapy in Advanced Stages of the Disease: Increase Survival

For any type of cancer there are 4 stages (in ascending order of severity) that assess the extent of the disease. Knowing the stage of disease is important to provide the most appropriate care for the sick, as well as to formulate a likely prognosis.
Stages one and two are considered early. The tumor is limited and the prognosis, especially if there is no lymph node involvement, is often positive. Stages III and IV are considered advanced and the prognosis is usually poor. The disease has spread to other organs and usually turns out to be more aggressive and resistant to treatment. The tumor, at this point, having made metastases, must be attacked in a systemic way.
As a result of this surgery is often not valid clinical indication and therapy is usually represented by the most appropriate chemotherapy for the initial treatment (1 st line) and molecular targeted drugs for the next treatment (2nd line), possibly more cycles of radiotherapy.
In advanced disease, these therapies, while having systemic action, like acting on the whole body, no longer aims to heal, but they are designed to increase survival by limiting the possible symptoms of the disease and the patient's pain (objective cure / palliative). With a few exceptions represented by tumors with low-grade malignancies (eg testicular cancer), the finding with advanced neoplasia III or stage IV for which you can only groped to slow down the development, is living with the situation more dramatic for a patient with cancer (and its expensive).
It's a terrible psychological situation: it feels condemned to death. They are negative thoughts like, "maybe I'll die in a few months", "maybe the disease progresses I will try to short to unbearable pain", "what will the lives of my loved ones be without me", and other conflicting thoughts which a natural instinct for survival leads in any case to entertain hopes of "maybe if I can survive for some years, then I can count on a new cure", "maybe I can get into some new experimental protocol", "maybe there is a Unofficial miraculous cure ".
My mother died of cancer that is the reason why this information is very dear to my heart.
Maybe you also know people of you have dear ones that have left you due to this serious illness.
Still there is always hope. Research is evolving each an every day. Be confident and have faith. Alternatives cures for cancer may be the way.
The author has found an alternative cure for cancer. You can read about it here.

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