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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Do you alert on your body changes? it may be a Cancer

If we can find at an early stage of cancer, It is easy to treat and the luck of us to be cured. So it is very important to be alert on unexpected changes in our body than normal conditions
There are over 200 different types of cancer that can cause many different symptoms

here are over 200 different types of cancer which can cause many different symptoms.

Men and women should look out for the following symptoms:

An unusual lump or swelling anywhere on your body

Many men know that any unusual lump in their testicle should be checked out. And women are generally aware that they should see a doctor about an unusal breast lump.

But persistent lumps in other parts of the body should also be taken seriously. This includes lumps and swellings in your neck, armpit, abdomen, groin or breast area.

If these symptoms last for three weeks or more, they could be signs of cancer. A good time to notice unusual lumps and bumps is in the bath or shower.

A change in size, shape or colour of a mole

Most moles remain harmless throughout our lives. But new moles that appear, ones that change over weeks or months, or ones that are crusty or ooze, should be checked out by a doctor.

It’s important to keep an eye on your skin and look out for changes – ask your partner or a friend to check areas you can’t see, such as your back. This is particularly important if you have fair, freckly or moley skin that tends to burn easily.

A sore that won’t heal after several weeks

Our skin repairs itself very quickly, and any damage usually heals within a week or so. When a spot, wart or sore doesn’t heal and lasts for several weeks, it could need treatment. Even if it is painless, you should see your doctor.

A mouth or tongue ulcer that lasts longer than three weeks

Many people get mouth ulcers when they are run down and this is usually nothing to worry about. The lining of the mouth renews itself every two weeks or so, which is why ulcers usually don’t last longer than that. But any single ulcer that lasts for longer than three weeks without healing could be a sign of mouth cancer and should be reported to your doctor.

A cough or croaky voice that lasts longer than three weeks

A cough and croaky voice are common symptoms of a cold. They often go away after a week or so and usually aren’t signs of anything serious. But if they last for longer than three weeks, if you cough up blood, or if an existing cough gets worse, you should go to your doctor. If you smoke you should pay extra attention to these symptoms, as you are more likely to suffer from throat and lung diseases.

Persistent difficulty swallowing or indigestion

A number of medical conditions can make it difficult to swallow. But if you are having difficulty swallowing and the problem doesn’t go away after a couple of weeks, it should be checked out.

It is normal to feel slight discomfort or pain sometimes after eating a large, fatty or spicy meal. But if you are experiencing indigestion a lot, or if it is particularly painful, then you should see your doctor.

Problems passing urine

As men get older they often have problems passing urine. They may find they need to pass urine urgently or more often, are unable to go when they need to, or experience pain when they do. These symptoms are usually caused by a common medical condition that causes the prostate gland to enlarge. Less commonly, these symptoms can be caused by prostate cancer. If you’re having any of these problems, you should see your doctor.

For women, infections are the most common cause of pain and difficulty passing urine. But needing to pass urine urgently or more often than usual could be a sign of cancer of the bladder, ovary or lining of the womb and should be checked out.

Blood in your urine

Blood in your urine should always be reported to a doctor. Usually it isn’t caused by cancer and can be treated quickly and easily. But it could be a sign of something more serious. Either way, the best thing to do is to go to your doctor.

Blood in your bowel motions

The most common cause of blood in the bowel motions is piles. This condition is brought on by straining when going to the toilet. But blood in your bowel movements can be a symptom of a more serious condition such as bowel cancer, so it’s very important to get it checked out.

A change to more frequent bowel motions that lasts longer than six weeks

Stomach bugs and food poisoning are the most usual causes of loose, frequent bowel motions, or diarrhoea. This doesn’t usually last long, clearing up within a few days. If you have noticed a change in your bowel habits lasting longer than six weeks, it could be a more serious bowel problem.

Most cases of bowel cancer are in older people, with more than nine out of ten cases in people over 50. If you’re younger, bowel changes are likely to be caused by other medical conditions. But if you have noticed any lasting bowel changes, you should see your doctor.

Unexplained weight loss or heavy night sweats

Small weight changes over time are quite normal. But if you have noticeably lost weight without dieting, this could be a sign of cancer and should be checked out.

Heavy night sweats can be brought on by infections and certain medications in both men and women. They are also often experienced by women around the time of the menopause. But heavy night sweats can also be caused by certain types of cancer. Experiencing night sweats and unexplained weight loss together can suggest cancer, and you should see your doctor.

An unexplained pain or ache that lasts longer than four weeks

Pain is one of our bodies’ ways of telling us that something is wrong. As we get older, many of us have aches and pains. It can be very difficult to know whether something is serious or not. In general, you should check out any continuous unexplained pain, or any unexplained pain that comes and goes over a period longer than four weeks.

Only For women:

An unusual breast change

Lumps are not the only changes to the breast that should be reported to a doctor. Also look out for any change in size, shape or feel of a breast, a change to the skin texture, redness, a nipple change or pain in one breast.

Bleeding from the vagina after the menopause or between periods>

Bleeding between periods, or ‘spotting’ as it is sometimes known, is a fairly common side effect of the contraceptive pill. But bleeding from the vagina between periods, after sex or after the menopause can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem and should be checked out.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cancer - Alternatives That Turn the Tables

Beating Cancer, how can you possibly beat cancer when the treatments for it are killing good cells too? You actually have two battles; the physical and the mental. It seems everyone knows someone at sometime that has had a brush with this deadly killer. Is it stress or toxins in the environment that cause our cells to degenerate.

Here are some forms of cancer we know of:

  • bladder cancer
  • breast cancer
  • carcinoid tumor
  • colorectal cancer
  • glioblastoma
  • liver cancer
  • non-small cell lung cancer (NSLC)
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • lymphoma (both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's)
  • melanoma
  • multiple myeloma
  • neuroblastoma
  • ovarian cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • renal cell carcinoma
  • throat cancer
  • uterine cancer

That's quite a list and I'm sure there are more, but this will keep us busy. Understanding a few processes that your body goes through might provoke you to live a bit better so we can give it a go.

  1. Sleep - your body is on a universal time clock and it repairs itself somewhere between midnight and 6 a.m..Over time if you can't or you don't give it time to repair what do you think will happen? Right, a run down or break down will occur. You will get sick or worse.
  2. Immune system - evidence is mounting and it's being traced back to your immune system. Stress, toxins, poor eating habits and a slew of other elements are wearing down our immune systems. This is the main defense against many viruses and bacterial invaders. We are starving our troops.
  3. Nutrition - the very thing that feeds our army which fights diseases is eluding us daily.

It's actually quite amazing with all the pressures, lack of nutrition that people are not sicker than they are.This is a testimonial to the adaptive nature of the human body, but these last several years we can see the armour cracking.

Drugs are trying to fill the gaps, but they are causing their own problems. When it comes to cancer and other illnesses we haven't listed are there options? I'm here to say yes. Why haven't the drug companies come forth with them and are they safe?

I'm afraid it all comes down to money over health. I don't think I'm shedding any mighty revelation, but that seems to be the truth. There is a drug that's been around for thirty years or so that has been quite effective with Cancer, MS and other debilitating deceases. The other benefit to this alternative is minimal to no side effects. When you see the cost compared to the current drugs on the market you will understand why drug companies are not interested in marketing this alternative.

You can get more information at the Health Hub under the Cancer category.

We have to look at all options because....We only have One Life - One Body


Visit our Health Chest for a FREE relaxation audio and other tools you might find helpful.

A Poster Boy For Surviving Pancreatic Cancer

The Austin American-Statesman in Texas recently reported the seven-year survival of pancreatic cancer patient and software executive Mike Beeman. Beeman, now 63, credits his survival to good luck and great medical care. "When they found the tumor, they really thought I probably should go home and enjoy the last six months I had left," he told the paper.

This extraordinary survivor of one of the most dreaded cancers had a take-charge attitude from the very first, however. He had gone to see his doctor when he noticed a change in the color of his urine. In Beeman's case, this turned out to be the result of the tumor pressing against the bile duct.

And Beeman was both fortunate to have an operable tumor and brave enough to have the procedure. Treating Beeman at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, oncologist Dr. Milind Javie was able to get him into a clinical trial that gave radiation and chemotherapy before surgery.

As the Austin American-Statesman notes:

"In January 2002, doctors removed Beeman's tumor, his gallbladder, and part of his intestine and bile duct, along with part of his pancreas, an organ behind the stomach that secretes hormones and enzymes that aid in digestion. Six months ago, Javle was so pleased with his patient's progress that he told Beeman there was no need to come back."

Beeman benefited from the fact that his tumor was resectable, that is, it was in a location that allowed surgical removal, and he had the very finest medical care. As you can learn from the link below, even some "difficult cases" of pancreatic cancer that could not be surgically treated also resulted in long-term remission.

Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health as well as articles on Alternative Pancreatic Cancer Treatments.

Article Source:

Your Journey With Another's Cancer - How Nutrition and Supplements Can Help

How is your nutrition affected when your loved one has cancer? Firstly, you may find that your routine is changed. Extra demands on your time may affect your ability to eat regular nutritious meals. Coupled to that, it may be that you sometimes simply don't feel like eating. This is related to the stress that you feel from the situation.

When your body is under stress it may require more nutrients as certain key vitamins and minerals are used up more rapidly. In addition the body becomes less able to absorb nutrients as increased adrenaline in the body (the fight-or-flight response) is designed to divert blood away from the digestive system in readiness for action. Thus nutrients can become depleted when you are under stress for any length of time. Results from this lowered nutrition can include:

· Lowered immune system resulting in a tendency to 'go down with' minor ailments, poor skin etc.
· Less energy and poor focus / concentration
· Feeling down / depressed and less able to cope.

For this reason your ability to offer strength and support to those around you can be lessened at a time when this may be very important to you. It may even cause difficulty keeping up with your work and consequently your ability to earn may become threatened.

In addition to all of the above, there is the issue of your general well being. You deserve to feel well. This is not any less true because someone you care about is unwell. You will not help anyone by becoming ill yourself.

So what can you do to ensure that your levels of nutrition are sufficient at this time of your life? The advice is the same as it is for everyone who is in a time of challenge. First is to ensure that as far as possible you stick to a balanced diet and wherever possible eat wholesome, natural food that is processed as little as possible. Include a plentiful amount of fresh fruit and vegetables, with smaller amounts of carbohydrate and protein.

If it is difficult to keep up with cooking healthy meals for yourself at certain times, consider whether there is someone who would be prepared to help. A homemade casserole that someone has frozen for you to eat at your own convenience may be better for you than grabbing a take-away on the run.

If you do not already include them, this may be a good time to add some supportive supplements. We live in a chemical age and since the 1950's thousands of chemicals have been introduced into our environment. These come in the form of industrial pollution, vast amounts of plastics which all produce residues into our environment and diet, pesticides, herbicides. Add to that a generally more indoor lifestyle with central heating, cars, computers and so on. This produces a chemical attack on our bodies in the form of free radicals which are can damage the body at a cellular level, causing anything from general tiredness and lethargy to cancerous changes in the cells.

The body is able to defend itself against such chemical attack, but it requires sufficient nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals and flavenoids which act both as anti-oxidants the neutralise the free radicals and as critical components of the immune system. Getting sufficient vitamins and minerals to support the body can be difficult from a normal diet especially where time, money and appetite / ability to absorb nutrients may be an issue.

This is where supplements can play a key role in health. Certain foods naturally contain high levels of nutrients (so called "super-foods"); these are more readily absorbed than synthetic supplements and can be seen as a way of increasing the amounts of certain key nutrients in a healthy way to help support your system. I personally take an inner leaf Aloe Vera drink, which is like a vegetable juice but contains a high concentration of over 75 different nutrients, and a Bee Pollen supplement (pollen harvested from flowers by bees and then collected from the hives) which contains a high level of B vitamins, amino acids and minerals. I would highly recommend them as my general level of health has improved greatly since taking these products, and I feel full of energy.

Maintaining your own health is very important at this time of stress. Taking care of your level of nutrition can do much to help.

Anne Orchard Author : Their Cancer - Your Journey

If you have been affected by another's cancer, visit for emotional and practical support, and to download a free chapter of Their Cancer - Your Journey.

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Cancer Treatments - Is Chemotherapy Safe, Necessary Or Worthwhile?

Have you ever seen someone undergo chemotherapy? It is horrific. But the worst thing about it is that there is really no point in enduring all that suffering. Though chemotherapy has been the main treatment for cancer in the U.S. since the 1960's, recent studies have shown that there may be no benefit at all to justify the misery caused by the chemotherapy. Studies show that about half of all cancer patients receive chemotherapy; and it helps only about 5% of those patients. In other words, all the facts on chemotherapy are in; and they suggest that you should seriously consider your alternatives.

In many cases, chemotherapy has actually caused a more aggressive spread of cancer than would have otherwise been expected; and chemotherapy directly attacks and weakens the immune system leaving the body open to further cancer spread and other health and immunity problems such as infections and pneumonia. As if chemotherapy weren't a miserable enough experience, it seems that it might actually exacerbate cancer far more often than it seems to help. Some studies demonstrated that placebos were effective on cancer 6% or more of the time - making sugar pills look pretty good next to the poison that helps 5% of the time and inflicts suffering and misery 100% of the time.

You need to do the research yourself; but don't simply look to one source and cling to it. Look to many sources; and consider the agenda behind the source. People who sell chemicals always say they are good for you, etc. Cancer is big business; and, unfortunately, that's about all it is to those who control the market. There are many free and inexpensive alternatives for treating cancer and its underlying causes; but, the American Medical Association (AMA) works diligently persecuting and prosecuting anyone who comes up with a "non-traditional" cure for cancer - in other words, any cure the pharmaceutical companies don't exclusively sell. The AMA is quick to respond to cancer cures; not to investigate their effectiveness, but to make sure people don't start getting the idea that chemotherapy might not be such a great idea.

A recent study revealed that 81% of oncologists surveyed would not submit themselves or their families to chemotherapy due to its low success rates and high degree of complications and suffering. Unfortunately, doctors don't have a lot of safe options when it comes to cancer; so they go along with convention - and the pharmaceutical industry - often to the detriment of the patient. Maybe it's not in anyone's best interest to cure cancer. But, if cancer is going to be cured, we aren't going to do it by clinging to the least effective, most painful and barbaric approaches we've ever tried. Chemotherapy is just one of many alternatives; and there's no reason to assume that it's the best or most effective alternative available. Your health is your responsibility. Do your own research; and look into the many alternatives available for the treatment of cancer.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, resentment, negative emotions, negative self-talk, anxiety and limiting beliefs that could be ruining your health, life, and relationships.)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

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Cancer Alternatives - 5 Things You Should Consider Before Undergoing Chemotherapy

Since the 1960's, chemotherapy has been the primary treatment for cancer in the United States - despite questionable benefits and the terrible suffering it causes patients who are already experiencing a major health challenge. But would you believe that the only real reason chemotherapy is still around is because consumers are simply conditioned to blindly follow authority without asking their own questions. Furthermore, the undue fear that has been associated with cancer immediately puts most people into a state of shock - in which they will acquiesce to anyone who offers to help them. Well, here are 5-things you should consider before simply going along with convention and subjecting yourself to a treatment most doctors wouldn't even use:

1. By medical standards, chemotherapy is not really that effective. It is estimated that about half of all cancer patients get chemotherapy despite the fact it only appears to be helping about 5% of those people. In some placebo trials with various kinds of cancer, placebos (essentially sugar pills) are effective far more than 5% of the time; leading one to believe that it may be better to take a sugar pill, or just do nothing at all, rather than endure the misery that is chemotherapy.

2. Chemotherapy is a poison that kills healthy cells along with cancer cells. Chemotherapy weakens every part of your body - including the immune system - leaving the body to fight cancer and the effects of poisoning in a weakened state, and leaving the body vulnerable to secondary infections. Chemotherapy is also believed to cause rapid spread of cancer in a large number of cases - perhaps because of its weakening effect on the immune system.

3. In a recent survey, 81% of the oncologists asked said that they would not submit themselves, or their family members, to chemotherapy due to its low success rates coupled with its unpredictable risks and unmanageable side-effects - not to mention the extreme suffering caused by the poisons used. Studies suggest that chemotherapy provides no significant benefit over doing nothing at all - and that chemotherapy toxins may actually make conditions much worse for the patient.

4. Alternative cancer cures are abundant, affordable, and available; though, due to aggressive practice protection laws, the American Medical Association (AMA) is diligent about persecuting and prosecuting anyone who claims to be able to cure cancer without a prescription. Though cancer is a catch-all phrase for over a hundred different disease presentations, the AMA still defends a catch-all therapeutic approach that has never been effective. Seek out alternatives before making a decision on how to treat cancer. You can only make an informed decision if you have information on the subject. We have all been programmed to think and believe that if we get cancer we should go to the doctor and let him do whatever he wants so we don't die. Cancer is survivable; and modern medical approaches are not necessarily the most effective approaches to treating cancer patients. Many alternative approaches to the treatment of cancer have much higher success rates than any approach offered by pharmaceutical companies.

5. No matter what form of treatment you use to address illness, it has always been the body that does the healing - specifically, the immune system. Even if you choose to use chemotherapy, you need to do whatever you can to support your immune system naturally through and after the process. Chemotherapy can't heal you; it can only destroy cells. If your immune system is destroyed in the process, you simply won't heal. Explore alternative health approaches for safe, non-invasive methods of strengthening the body and immune system - if not to cure the cancer, than at least to survive the chemotherapy.

The bottom line is that you alone are responsible for your health; and, if you have a serious, or life-threatening, condition, you need to seriously consider what you want to do about it. Don't let fear decide for you. Fear kills; and it often does so by using stress to limit your mental access to creative solutions to your problems. Not everyone who gets cancer dies from it; but everyone dies. Calm down, breathe, and rationally consider the vast array of alternative approaches available to you. Make your decision knowing that it is the right one, and that you are doing it for the purpose of restoring health and order to your body, mind, and life. What one can do, others can do. Others before you have survived cancer - with and without doctors and medicine. You can too!

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, phobias, anger, resentment, anxiety, negative emotions, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs and attitudes that could be ruining your health, life, and relationships.)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

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Cancer In General

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells spread to other parts of the body through blood and lymphs system. Cancer is not a disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 types of cancer. Most cancer are named after the organ or the cell in which they start. For eg :the cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer. The main categories of cancer are:

CARCINOMA:It is a cancer that begins in the skin or in the tissue or cover the internal organ.

SARCOMA:It is a cancer that begins in the blood vessels, fat muscles, bone cartilage or other connective or supportive tissue.

LEUKEMIA:Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow and causes large number of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.

LYMPHOMA and MYELOMA:It begins in the cells of immune system.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CANCER:It begins in the tissues of brain and spinal cord

All cancer begins in the cell, which is the basic structural unit of life. The body is made up of many cells. These cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cell as the need to keep the body healthy. As the cells become old or die the are replaced by new cells. Sometimes this process goes wrong. The genetic material (DNA)of the cell can become damaged or changed producing mutations that effects the normal cell growth and division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them. The extra cell may form a mass of tissues called tumor.

The tumor can be BENIGN or MALIGNANT tumor.

These are non cancerous tumor. They often can be remove and in most cases they do not come back. Cells in this tumor do not spread to other parts of the body.

These are cancerous tumor. Cells in these tumor invade with tissues and spread to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer from one part of the body to the another part is called metastasis

There are many treatment methods implemented to cure cancer. Some of them include standard methods like the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Cancer can be entirely removed by a surgery, in case of breast cancer the surgery performed is named as mastectomy. In this surgery either the tumor is removed or the entire organ is removed. In case of metastasis stage cancer, this type of treatment is not possible because it might spread to other parts of the body.

Surgery in addition to removal of primary tumor is often necessary for staging. Staging is the process of determining the extend of the disease and whether metastasized to regional lymph nodes. It is the major determinant of prognosis.


This type of treatment uses the administration of the drugs either orally or intravenously. This treatment aims either to kill the malignant cell or to stop there spread and multiplication. This therapy is given in regular doses and cycles. There is no chemotherapy without any side effects, but the side effects are temporary and subside as the time goes. Keep in mind that this therapy tries to recover the patient and fights the disease.


Similarly as chemotherapy, radiation therapy also aims on killing of diseased cells if possible or stop them from reproducing. This method uses high amount of x-rays to damage the DNA cells, thereby killing the diseased cells. Though this method kills the normal cells the damage caused by the diseased cell is more then the normal cells. The normal cell in due course of time repairs the damage caused. This is the reason the radiation therapy is given at regular cycles to give time for the normal cells to recover.


Certain hormones are said to promote the growth of the diseased cells for example the estrogen hormones are said to promote the growth of breast cancer cells so to inhibit this process certain estrogen drugs are given to the patient. These hormones are naturally produced substance that acts as a chemical messenger to assist in normal control and functions in the bodies cell


It is also one of the cancer treatment method given now-a-days for better results. Immunotherapeutic drugs work by strengthening the immune system, which is the body's natural defense mechanism.

14 Years With Multiple Myeloma

Diagnosed with multiple myeloma In the fall of 1994 it has taken all of 14 years to understand that you never completely fit this intruder into your life. With no known cure, it can not be compartmentalized, back burnered or set aside. It will just not tolerate anything but your absolute attention. Like a lover scorned she will not ever be dismissed and is oh so vengeful. So how do you reconcile this with a wife and child? How do you keep this intruder from encroaching into every aspect of there lives? Can you maintain a normal functioning and loving household with a menacing 600lb gorilla sprawled on the couch? I don't Know. What I do know is when to stay off the couch. Avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position. I've found that by concentrating on the emotional, physical and spiritual well being of my wife LeeAnne and daughter Dakota, my overall state of being improves as well.

There are so many ups and downs, so much contradictory information, it is often more prudent to limit the information you give to your family. This is not an easy thing . Especially difficult when in reality your life is spinning out of control, again. It sometimes feels as though you are staggering through an amusement park trying one dizzying ride after another. Your left nauseous and disoriented. There is no need to drag your family through all the madness. It's amazing what doctors know. But it's even more amazing what they don't know. Buy taking everything they say as gospel, you limit your options and sometimes lead your family down a merry path of hope or despair.

There have been several instances where a doctor has told me to bring in my family to discuss my immediate demise. The problem with this is the doctor is basing this assumption on his broad experience and the accumulated data at hand. Well, he has never experienced me before. Many doctors discount anything outside the narrow parameters of their significant training. A patients state of mind, positive attitude, willingness to persevere etc., are quite important. Being ever diligent in the pursuit of alternative therapies must remain a constant.

So what of that gorilla that is now occupying my favorite chair? Let him have it. Accept him as part of the family. There really is nothing you can do about him anyway. Your family's happiness should be the one thing that keeps you intact. Somehow knowing my girls are content and whole gives me all the ammunition I need to face the daily grind of life with Multiple Myeloma.

Things to Be Aware About If You Have Mesothelioma

Whenever one is diagnosed with diseases it becomes important to know about the disease in details. The research regarding the disease will help you to figure out specifically your line of treatment, especially if you have diseases like cancer or AIDS. Knowing in details regarding these kinds of diseases will help you immensely in understanding about the disease and thus, a better way of fighting with it can be found out. Most of the times, cancer is not detected until the last stages. Mesothelioma is one such rare kinds of cancer that can prove to be very hazardous. Till recent times it was not regarded as the cancer, however, the doctors realized its cancerous growth and included it as a cancer.

Mesothelioma can occur in three parts of the body i.e. lungs in the form of pleural, abdomen in the form of peritoneal mesothelioma and in heart as pericardial mesothelima. Out all these three types pleural mesothelima is found commonly. Certain things to be kept in mind if detected with this cancer are

• For diagnosing mesothelioma, it is better to go tissue biopsy rather than fluid biopsy. As many times it is observed that fluid biopsy gives negative report when the cancer is actually present.

• Net step is to discuss in detail about it with your doctor and go to a good oncologist. Discuss at length your treatment with your oncologist.

• Take a second opinion. It is your right to know whether the check ups are diagnosed accurately or not. No good doctor would object about the fact that you have gone for a second opinion.

• You can take second opinions regarding this from comprehensive cancer centers. This will be in your personal interest only.
Thus, be alert and know exactly about your disease in a proper way so that you can take wise decision and help yourself in a better way to get cured of your disease.

Facing Cancer Treatment

According to the American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people died from cancer worldwide during 2007. Early detection and cancer treatment are essential to combat this disease. A Bourbonnais hospital with modern technology can effectively detect and treat cancer so you can resume a normal lifestyle.

Medically speaking, cancer is a class of diseases. When cells have cancer, they display uncontrolled growth and start dividing beyond their normal capacity. As a result, invasion and possible destruction occurs to the adjacent tissues. In some instances, cancer spreads to other locations through the blood of lymph (metastasis).

In many types of cancers, tumors form. The tumors are analyzed to find out of they are benign or malignant. Benign tumors are self-contained and do not grow, invade and spread like malignant tumors. Other types of cancer do not form tumors, such as leukemia. Oncology is the branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer.

Cancer can strike people of all ages, including fetuses. The risk for cancer increases as you get older and your cells are exposed to harmful elements.

The majority of cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the cells that are transformed. Smoking tobacco and exposure to radiation, chemicals and infectious agents can cause these abnormalities. Inherited and DNA replication genetic abnormalities can also affect cancer cell formation.

To diagnose cancer, typically a pathologist will examine a tissue specimen taken during a biopsy. A small piece of the cancerous growth is taken for the biopsy. The pathologist will determine the level of the cancer malignancy so a cancer treatment plan at a Bourbonnais Illinois hospital can be developed for the patient.

Cancer treatment is based on the type, location and stage the cancer is in. Various therapies used to treat cancer include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Target drugs may also be used for cancer treatment. A patient's prognosis is influenced by the type of cancer and how far along the disease has progressed. The earlier cancer is detected, the more likely the patient will receive successful treatment.

For this reason, as people get older they are encouraged by medical professionals to get cancer screening tests at a Manhattan Illinois healthcare facility. Woman over 40 should get an annual mammogram for early detection of breast cancer. Men in their fifties should have a yearly prostrate exam to detect possible prostrate problems. A colonoscopy is also recommended for people over fifty for early detection of rectal and prostrate cancers.

Along with regular medical examinations, healthy living helps to keep cancer at bay. Prevention is one of the best forms of cancer treatment. Smoking, processed foods, UV rays and ongoing exposure to toxins all increase your risk of developing cancer. Well-balanced meals and regular exercise help to minimize your risk of developing cancer.

Riverside Medical Center believes cancer prevention and treatment should be rendered with care and concern and provides these services at their Bourbonnais hospital. This Bourbonnais Illinois hospital is renowned for offering superior, innovative cancer treatment options. At Riverside, you enjoy the convenience of a local Manhattan Illinois healthcare facility with the advantage of all the latest technology and research. Riverside is proud to be named one of the nation's Top 100 Hospitals® by Thomson Healthcare.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Famous People With Skin Cancer in Politics and Entertainment

Skin cancer is on the rise around the world and it doesn't care how much money you make. Although scientists are not entirely clear why more people are getting skin cancer than ever before, it's thought that climate change may play some part. The ozone layer cannot block harmful UV rays from the sun as well as it could even twenty years ago. But if you've been diagnosed with skin cancer, you're in good company. There have been many famous people with skin cancer who were successfully treated.

Senator John McCain

The 2008 Republican nominee for President, Arizona Senator John McCain, would certainly approve this message for you to get any strange mole checked out by your doctor as soon as possible. Unlike other types of cancers, skin cancers can usually be successfully removed by surgery. McCain was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on his left arm in 1993. Another melanoma was removed from his face in 2000. This is the most serious type of skin cancer, but McCain has been cancer-free since 2000. Perhaps McCain was emulating one of his role models.

President Ronald Reagan

One of the most famous people with skin cancer was President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with the disease while he was still in office. He had a lump removed from his nose in 1987. It returned six months later. It is very rare for a skin cancer such as he had to return. Sadly, in 2001, Ronald Regan's daughter Maureen died of skin cancer at age 60.

Regis Philbin

Although unknown outside of the United States, beloved talk show and game show host Regis Philbin had two skin cancer lumps removed through two separate procedures called Mohs surgery (also known as chemosurgery). The first lump was a sqaumous-cell cancer that had to be removed from his hand. The second was more serious and on his face. Philbin is yet another in a list of famous people with skin cancer who survived it.

Bob Marley

Sadly, not all people with skin cancer survive. Bob Marley was only 36 years old when he was not only the reigning king of reggae, but also dead from a combination of melanoma and brain cancer. He left behind not only thousands of grieving fans, but a wife, eight mistresses, thirteen children and no will. He learned in 1977 he had skin cancer and was dead by 1981. Marley delayed getting any treatment due to his spiritual beliefs and fear of going under the knife.

One of the big worries about skin cancer is that it could spread to other parts of the body, thus compromising any chance of recovery. Even famous people with skin cancer can still die from it. It can't be stressed enough to seek help if you discover any strange moles on your skin. You also can help prevent skin cancer by wearing sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat when outside.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about famous people with skin cancer, please visit Preventing Skin Cancer Online for current articles and discussions.

Skin Cancer - Are You at High Risk For Skin Cancer?

If you have been reading newspaper or listening to news regularly over the past few years, you should have come across several warnings telling us to protect ourselves from skin cancer. Whilst there are many who do pay attention to these cautions, a shocking count of women still ignores them. If you are amongst those women that ignore these warnings, you are likely to think that it's impossible for you to get affected by skin cancer. Again, you might feel it to be no harm, if you miss applying sun tan lotion while moving out.

Skin cancer is not a rare phenomenon, as people consider it to be. Whilst it's true that staying unprotected in the sun for short duration seldom leads to cancer, you might still face its wrath. Most women get affected with skin cancer after exposing themselves to the sun for a long period of time. As a matter of fact, almost 75% of women diagnosed with it every year have a history of constant sun exposure. Although cancer might occur after severe sunburns, it usually results for many years in the sun.

Do you stay long in an open environment for long periods and get frequently bathed by sun without having any protection on your skin? If you do, then are you at high risk for skin cancer? Again, is there any spot on your skin, which has been bothering you for long? Can it be cancerous? If you even have a feeling that the spot can be cancerous, you should immediately schedule a visit with your doctor!

Definite diagnosis can only be made once a biopsy is performed.

Over 99 percent of women, who are diagnosed with cancer on their skin, have:

Basal cell skin cancer: Women developing these sores find that a pimple or a scab grows on their skin, bleeds or drains, and then scabs again. This cycle is seen to continue repeatedly and has been found tough to heal completely.

Squamous skin cancer: It looks similar to basal carcinomas. They also appear rough and have scaly patches on the skin, which do not disappear.

These 2 cancer types usually appear in nose and similar other regions of the skin, which frequently receives direct rays from the sun. Skin of your nose is very much tender, and can be at high risk for non-melanoma cancer. Both basal cell and squamous skin cancer are treatable, if you choose to remove them surgically.

Usually, women develop non-melanoma cancers on their nose or face. However, sometimes melanoma occurs on their face too. Such cancer types spread rapidly and can be deadly, if it stays undetected and untreated in its initial stages. Sometimes, it's difficult to differentiate the two types. This is the reason why you should see a doctor, whenever you notice something wrong with your skin.

If you have a belief that you are at high risks of skin cancer, you should immediately schedule appointments with your doctor. Skin cancers can be successfully treated, if they are caught in their initial stages.

Your life might totally depend on the early detection & diagnosis of a bothersome sore on the skin. So don't even think about delaying!

Women's Abortions Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling. Women's Abortions Clinic

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Skin Cancer is on the Rise - Skin Cancer Chart Graphs

Are you at risk for developing skin cancer? Although more widely publicized than ever before, the average person seems to feel immune from the consequences of sun exposure. The skin cancer charts graphs illustrate just how prevalent this condition is and reflect the various categories of skin cancer. You can also see examples of the appearance of this condition at various stages. Although some skin cancers are small and slow growing, the most severe form, melanoma, can be deadly.

How can you protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun? First and foremost, limit the amount of time that you spend in the sun and reduce exposure during the strong rays between 10 AM to 2 PM. Wear a broad brimmed hat, and apply suntan cream every hour. Even if you are cautious and apply adequate amounts of suntan cream at s a minimum of 30 SPF, it is not advisable to spend prolonged time in the sun. It is a myth to think that only fair skinned people need to be cautious of the sun's rays. Everyone is at some risk of skin cancer especially if you neglected protecting your skin adequately in the past. The damage to your skin is cumulative so you are at increased risk for developing skin cancer from over exposure in the past.

What about tanning beds? Researchers have begun to demonstrate that tanning beds can be even more harmful than actual exposure to the sun. So it is not a good idea to think you are protected by substituting a tanning bed to acquire a sun tan.

How else can you protect yourself? Be sure to examine your skin carefully at least once a month. Look for any changes in growths on all areas of your body such as darker color pigments or enlargements of existing moles. Do not neglect areas that are not visible to you such as your back or your scalp. These are areas that frequently develop skin cancer and are areas that you may not be checking. The skin cancer charts graphs illustrate various parts of the body where skin cancer is most often detected Your face is the most most prevalent site since it has had the most exposure to the sun year round. And by the far, the best way to protect yourself from the progression of any skin cancer is to visit a dermatologist once a year especially if you have been diagnosed with any type of skin cancer in the past.

How is skin cancer treated? As with most conditions, early detection is key. The sooner that any type of skin cancer can be diagnosed by a dermatologist, the sooner that effective treatment can begin. The skin cancer charts graphs illustrate the various types of treatment which range from freezing pre-cancerous growths to full surgical procedures. It is best to seek treatment early as most types of skin cancer are very treatable with minor procedures; however, consistent and vigilant efforts to prevent skin cancer is the most effective way to be safe.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about skin cancer charts, please visit Best Skin Cancer Prevention for current articles and discussions.

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Melanoma - Surviving the Least Common But Most Dangerous Form of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer has three major forms. All of these are known, at least in part, to be caused by exposure to sunlight. The skin cells' genetic operations can be disrupted by the ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, the possible consequence of which is the development of precancerous and cancerous cells. Basal cell carcinoma (also known as rodent ulcer), squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the three major forms of skin cancer, the latter being the most dangerous of the three.

Since the skin's topmost layers are the first to be affected by the ultraviolet rays from sunlight, all three forms of skin cancer develop in the skin's upper layer, or epidermis. Likewise, all three forms have one common symptom which you have to keep watch of - "change." Melanoma, however, has its own special set of symptoms.

The presence of melanoma is usually indicated by the alteration of the color of either a patch of skin or a mole. Because this form of skin cancer involves cells that produce black and brown pigments, you have to be particularly aware of changes in dark spots, patches, or moles. Some of the signs that you have to be on the lookout for are moles that bleed, the emergence of new moles, and the changing of color or shape of any new or old dark spot.

It is said that the lighter one's skin and eye color, the more easily he or she will sunburn; consequently, the more likely he or she is to develop skin cancer. With exposure to sunlight over both short and long periods, this probability becomes progressively greater. Farming and sunbathing on a beach are two of the most common ways by which one is most likely to get skin cancer.

Some people even sunbathe on a beach to the point of blistering - an almost certain way that one will develop skin cancer. But even moderate sunbathing summer after summer can increase one's risk of getting the disease. Over time, the damage to skin cells piles up little by little; this makes people in their middle or later years as those most likely to develop skin cancer. How can the risk be reduced then?

Obviously, the simplest way to avoid developing skin cancer is to reduce the skin's exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Any one of these three basic ways, or a combination of them, can do the trick: limit your time in the sun, protect your skin with clothing (when you're out in the sun), and use a suntan lotion (if you must stay out in the sun and can't protect your skin from sunlight) - really very simple ways.

What makes melanoma the most serious of the skin cancers is that the moment it begins to develop, it can spread quickly. The condition, however, doesn't have to be a death sentence. If detected and treated early enough, this disease may be cured in about seventy-five percent of cases. There are in fact known stories of remarkable people who survived their respective melanoma cases naturally.

If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from melanoma skin cancer, know that this condition doesn't have to be a death sentence. Learn about the stories of seven remarkable people who survived their respective melanoma cases naturally. Visit How I Survived Melanoma Skin Cancer - Seven Survivors Tell Their Stories at Survive Melanoma Skin Cancer.

For more health information, visit Round the Clock Health Guide

Jim Lorenz writes informative articles on various subjects, including Melanoma: Surviving the Least Common but Most Dangerous Form of Skin Cancer. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that the author's name, bio, and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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What Are the Causes of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is a very real risk for folks over 50 years old and it is a lot more common than you might think. There is more than one type of skin cancer to be on alert for and all skin cancers must be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible. Although everyone is at risk of skin cancer those who fair or light skinned have much more risk of skin cancer.

People who live in Australia and India have the highest rates of Melanoma, while folks in the Southern US have a far greater risk of basal and squamous cell cancers. Still, it can happen to anyone and thus it is very important to pay attention and protect your skin from the direct sunlight for long periods of time and from chemicals too.

Basal and Squamous Cell Cancers can occur from working with or being around such chemicals as oils, coal tars, pitch, creosote, nitrate, arsenic, beryllium, nickel, and over 500 other chemical compounds. [source; The Cancer Reference Book]. For folks with skin disease they must be extremely careful and be sure to get check-out on a regular basis.

Of course, the most common cause of skin cancer are from sunlight and that goes for Melanamas, as well as basal and squamous cell cancers. So, if you are in the sun a lot or work around chemicals be sure to read up on skin cancers and understand what you are looking for when you inspect your skin and be sure to see a dermatologist if you are unsure of what you are inspecting.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Painless Cancer Treatment

As a skin cancer survivor I used the painless and easy arts and sciences of energy balancing and energy healing to heal myself from terminal melanoma--that is, fatal skin cancer.

I overcame Stage 4 skin cancer through the use, among other things, of natural cancer treatments including energy work. Now I dedicate myself to giving cancer support and facilitating cancer healing to anyone who suffers from this terrifying condition.

One thing I want all people to know is that they need to understand something basic about cancer: everyone in the world can have cancer cells. The question is do you have the body, mind and spirit to kill the cells. What this means for each one of us is that we can all get cancer under the "right" circumstances. But it also means that we are clearly equipped to deal with and survive cancer through natural healing, too.

Cancer has only become a regularly occurring disease since the beginning of the 20th century. And it only became the virtual epidemic that it is in the last 50 or 60 years. Our lifestyles and diets coupled with the ever increasing use of powerful synthetic medications are the culprit behind this tragic fact.

The use of natural energy work to treat and heal from cancer involves adopting an understanding that is at one and the same time ancient but new. The body is an energy field and naturally has an energy field all around and throughout itself. This fact is well-established and well known to people who practice ancient healing sciences involving the Chakras and Qi ("chi") energy meridians that extend like a web throughout the body.

For some reason, the Orient wound up remaining more in touch with this knowledge than the West in the last few hundred years, as the West became more advanced in other areas of medicine. The ironic tragedy is that the West's religion of Christianity is largely responsible for the loss of this knowledge, as the Church sought to suppress any teaching that authorities could not find a foundation for in the bible.

But of course modern Western science knows full well that energy is all around us, that all matter is a state of energy and can become energy, and that the human body and brain create measurable energy fields. And the knowledge of how to use the body's energies for healing, including healing from cancer, is on the rise in the West once more.

The ancient wisdom concerning this natural cancer treatment tells us that we have an Aetheric Body, an Emotional Body, a Mental Body, and an Astral Body, all of which come together within the physical body. This fact is analogous to the "mind-body" connection that more and more medical professionals and health experts are taking with scientific seriousness. So, it follows that one of the most important parts of the use of energy work to heal from cancer is the power of positive thinking and meditating on positive imagery--that is, thinking that you can and will heal, and being able to "see" your cancer diminishing and an image of yourself whole and healthy, rid of the cancer.

Imagining these things as real visions of the near future and not "just" fantasy generates a certain kind of energy in the body by this action's nature--and that energy is cancer-fighting and healing.

If you have ever heard of people who had a terminal illness like cancer making themselves well without even really trying by watching hours and hours of comedy movies on DVD, you have heard a tale of energy healing. The people in question, probably without realizing it, were altering the energy state of their Emotional Body; instead of feeling defeated and dying, they made themselves feel joyful about life, they laughed in the face of Death until Death lost all dominion over them. The rest of the bodies picked up on this alteration and together they acted to kill the cancer.

One type of energy healing work that is making strong inroads now in the West is Reiki. A Japanese word roughly meaning "universal life energy", Reiki practitioners are skilled in using light touches upon the body to positively influence the Aetheric Body, the personal energy "bubble" that surrounds us. Highly skilled masters can even influence healing from a distance, as long as their target patient has a receptive attitude.

Summary: If you have skin cancer or are otherwise in need of cancer support and healing, I am a cancer survivor and can testify first hand that energy healing feels wonderful, is painless, and works.

About the Author: Sheila Ulrich, a cancer survivor speaker, healed from stage 4 cancer and now provides cancer support, hope, inspiration, and tools to others to help heal the body mind and spirit. Claim your free report on how she survived cancer at

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Cell Phones and Cancer - The Next Pandemic?

halidomide, Asbestos, Tobacco: Name three things not considered dangerous when introduced to the public. We may have our fourth; cell phones. While we still don't know for sure that there is a direct link between cell phones and cancer, one has to wonder how it could be possible to place an object next to the head that generates an electromagnetic field for thousands of minutes a month (go check your bill); and yet not have any long term health risks?

Cellular telephones emit radio frequency or (RF) energy, which is a form of radiation. Radiation exposure is what causes the nurse who just took your x-ray to run behind a protective wall, so how could having your INSERT PHONE BRAND HERE pressed against your cranium be good for you?

We all face risk/reward decisions every day. Do I eat another donut? Do I smoke that cigarette? Do I...well, you know the drill. Face it, we are bombarded everyday with things we know aren't good for us. Does that mean we should be protected from ourselves? I think not, but we should know what our risks are as well as the risks we are subjecting those around to.

You see, it does us no good to be in another situation 30 years from now where we find ourselves confronted with the fact that the wireless industry knew back in 2008 that cell phones caused cancer but didn't tell anyone, or that leaked memos or emails from a handset manufacturer warned of the potential long term risks to using their products. I want to be an informed consumer and we are owed that by those chosen to protect us.

What's this got to do with business?

Funny you should ask. Back in September, before the markets threw up all over us, there was a debate brewing on Capitol Hill over the prolonged use of cell phones and the link to cancer. They concluded that more research is needed but I am worried that the conversation will be swept away with the financial bailout tide along with the money to fund the research, which I am sure by now has been reallocated to pay for Dick Fuld's seat on the board of the New York Museum of Modern Art.

But it's about the kids people!

That particular hot button issue on the Hill was about cell phone use and kids. Why? Because cell phone radiation travels approximately two inches into an adult brain, but clear through to the center of a child's brain says Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Mr. Herberman also went on to say that he couldn't tell the committee that cell phones are dangerous, but he also couldn't tell them they are safe.

Studies done outside the U.S. have produced contradictory results. A 2006 study by the Swedish National Institute for Working Life found increased incidence of cancer among heavy users. But that was based on outmoded wireless technology, and a more recent Scandinavian study found no link. Results of a multinational study coordinated by the International Agency for Cancer Research are due to be released in late 2008.

In the U.S., this issue rests in the hands of the FDA, which shouldn't make anyone feel good. These are the same boys and girls that allowed 44,000 deaths via prescription drugs in 2005, which is more people than died in car accidents, all illegal drug deaths combined, and even second hand smoke related deaths. In fact, it was the highest incidence credited to "accidental deaths" that year so forgive me if I don't rush into the warm embrace of the FDA when they say cell phones don't cause cancer!

Robert Barr is the founder of, an independent business news blog that cuts through the media hype and strips away the spin doctoring from the top business news and hits hard with cutting edge commentary!

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Easy Cancer Treatments Anyone Can Do

As a skin cancer survivor and now cancer survivor speaker I know if you have cancer your body's pH level is acidic. You can stop cancer growth by normalizing your pH Levels.

I used alternative and complementary medicine as well as conventional medicine (now called integrative medicine) in my ultimately successful fight against cancer. I found that natural cancer treatments enabled me to make profound interior bodily changes that I needed in order to go from cancer victim to cancer survivor. According to Dr. William Kelley, "Only the cancer victim himself can properly treat his own cancer."

One of the ways to begin changing your interior bodily environment so that you prevent cancer is by changing your breathing and the quality of the air that you breathe. Modern people are shallow breathers, due in large part to mainly sedentary lifestyles and lives spent mainly indoors and not out in the fresh air. Yet many medical researchers are convinced that 70% of the toxins in a person's body can be expelled by sufficient amounts of deep breathing alone! Deep breathing in time forces all of the alveolar sacs in the lungs to open up and take in oxygen while expelling carbon dioxide, and the more of this that gets done the cleaner a person's interior environment becomes. A person who breathes well is also a calmer person, and since we know from the mind-body-spirit interconnection that emotions affect one's health positively or negatively, these calmer feelings will only make a person healthier and stand a much better chance of resisting cancer.

Interior air should also be kept as clean and clear as possible. You should use an air purifier in your home and office.

Physical exercise is thus very important to the prevention of cancer. Not only does it stimulate deeper breathing and get you exposed to cleaner air to help you rid your body of toxins that can induce cancer, but it also circulates the cell-bathing fluid called lymph. Lymph provides nutrients to and carries off waste from cells. When lymph does not circulate adequately, bodily tissues "stew" in their own acidic waste products and create an interior environment where cancer is just waiting to happen.

You see, cancerous tissues are acidic. Healthy tissues are alkaline. The water that makes up over 70% of our bodies decomposes into H+ and OH-. When a solution contains more H+ than OH-, it is defined as an acid. When one contains more OH- than H+, it is alkaline.

Alkaline solutions feed water and oxygen to the body's tissues. But acidic solutions prevent the formation of water within tissues and "suffocate" tissues. By nature, our lymph, blood, and cerebral spinal fluids are set to have a pH of 7.4, which is slightly alkaline (any solution greater than 7.0 is alkaline, less than that is acidic), leaving cancer cells dormant and unable to reproduce. If we raise our interior pH level to 8.5 or higher, cancer cells are not only dormant, they literally die.

Fresh and un- or slightly-cooked (cooked briefly at temperatures less than 108° F) fruits and vegetables, especially red or purple grapes and tomatoes, are foods that we can eat an abundance to make our interiors alkaline. We also need to drink a lot of fresh, cold water every day. There have been a lot of positive research results with the "Grape Cure" for people who already have stage 1, 2, or 3 cancer.

Another well-established natural cancer treatment for the prevention of cancer via alkalizing the bodily interior is Blue Green Algae supplementation. The best of these come from Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon or from Hawai'i, but any of them are effective.

So, this changing of the body's interior is really an easy cancer prevention treatment that anyone can do. Get regular aerobic exercise preferably in the outdoors, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables instead of lots of fast food and refined sugar, and take blue green algae supplements.

About the Author: Sheila Ulrich discovered a painless cancer cure that helped her beat stage 4 cancer and now provides alternative and complementary medicine instruction as well as integrative medicine advice. Claim your free report on how she survived cancer at her cancer survivor blog and learn more about cancer cures that work.

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How Do You Tell Someone They Are Dying of Cancer

Nobody wants to tell someone else that they are going to die and there is no easy way to tell someone that their treatments have failed and/or they are going to die from cancer. Nobody wants to tell a cancer patient they have a terminal or incurable cancer and it's only a matter of a short time. It's never been easy to tell people of horrific future events in their lives.

And someone who is too blunt with a terminal cancer patient may find quite a bit of reflex and reactionary emotion coming back at them. An outburst filled with hostility, anger and pure hate. Of course, this is a reaction of fear and it is often coupled with denial and ignored. Thus, a doctor or loved one that is in charge of breaking the news needs to do it correctly. Otherwise, they may feel the effect of a "kill the messenger" syndrome, which is quite common.

In the book; "The Cancer Reference Book," the authors explain that; "according to various [psychological] studies 77 to 87 percent of the terminal cancer patients favored knowing the truth and 69 to 90 percent of the doctors favored avoiding the truth," yet, still either way the cancer patient has the right to know and if they are not told, this can often be more cruel.

Those who bring the bad news must do it in an empathetic way and allow dialogue back and forth and answer the questions honestly. It helps to have X-rays and graphics to show the cancer patient what is going on and break it down into laymen's terms. The cancer patient will have many questions, such as the time frame left, if they will be experiencing pain, if there are any other new medical cures or experimental drugs and such.

The doctor needs to be truthful without giving false hope. The patient's emotion will be filed with thoughts of divine intervention, anger, denial, depression, resignation, and hopefully eventually acceptance. Please approach this issue carefully, how you go about it will mean a lot to the person you are relaying the news to.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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What Do You Say When a Loved One Has Cancer?

As a cancer survivor, one who had Stage 4 melanoma and healed from it, I understand completely that cancer affects everyone in a patient's life.

Their spouse, children, parents, and friendships are all affected and it can be frustrating and frightening trying to figure out how to deal with it. Even after healing or remission takes place, cancer leaves a lasting impact on patients and their friends and loved ones. Everyone touched by the disease needs cancer support in their time of sickness or adversity to cope with physical and/or emotional changes.

"Melanoma is a form of skin cancer in which cancer cells form in melanocytes (the skin cells that make the pigment melanin, which gives skin its natural color). Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. When melanoma starts in the skin, usually as a mole, the disease is called cutaneous melanoma. Melanoma is most often found on the trunk (the area from the shoulders to the hips) of men and on the arms and legs of women. Melanoma can also occur in the eye, which is called intraocular or ocular melanoma."

This was the grave and possibly fatal illness that I contracted and had to face. And it was a very long way away from easy, both for me and for all the people in my life.

Many people, not surprisingly, feel themselves at a terrible loss for words when someone they know and love has cancer. They don't know exactly the right thing to say, or do.

What people should always keep in mind if they have to face this terrible situation is the body-mind-spirit connection. In other words, a cancer patient needs to hear and see words and attitudes that are positive and authentic. This will facilitate their healing, although they are the ones who need to do the real work.

So, for one thing, it is very good to speak words of encouragement and the feeling that the patient can pull through, that he has the strength to make it and live a full life once again. But it's not a good thing to try to sound like some mysterious faith healer and say things like "I just know that you'll be healed of this in less than a week, so smile and rejoice!" or anything clearly fake like that. The patient is already in a heightened state of sensitivity because of one's condition and will be more acute than ever with the perception that they are being lied to or "coddled"; and these latter feelings do not facilitate healing, but block it.

Another wonderful thing that you can do for a cancer patient is keep them laughing. It has been demonstrated through research and experience that cancer can be effectively fought through humor. A cancer patient naturally is going to have some very morbid thoughts and anything that can distract her from those and take her to another place mentally where she's laughing and feeling that life is good is something that furthers healing. And while you definitely don't want to seem like you're making fun of her in her illness, you should make your comedy real and down to earth and not try to handle the patient with kid gloves as you try to make her laugh. A quip like, "I see you've lost weight", or "I really envy you--you don't have to put up with the traffic on the roads these days!" can bring some great peals of laughter and make the patient feel like a real human being rather than just a cancer patient.

Perhaps most important is to try to speak to the patient as much like you always did as you possibly can, all things considered. If the two of you bantered a lot, keep doing it. If the two of you liked to get involved in lengthy philosophical discussions, continue to do so (although you may want to de-emphasize reflections on death). If you played chess, play chess.

Above all, though, listen to the patient for cues as to how you should talk to him. Some people are going to prefer talking directly about their cancer; others will want to avoid all talk of it entirely. Listen to the patient and think about what you know him to be like, responding appropriately.

Do not say or be negative around someone who is severely ill. That negative energy can drain them of their valuable healing energy. Use life-affirming and words, actions and attitudes to augment other natural cancer treatments and help the patient become a cancer survivor.

About the Author: Sheila Ulrich, a cancer survivor speaker, healed from stage 4 cancer and now provides cancer support, hope, inspiration, and tools to others to help heal the body, mind and spirit. Claim your free report on how she survived cancer at and learn more about cancer cures that work.

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