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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month

Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month is right around the corner, so now is a great time to get prepared. Every September, thousands of people join together to commemorate this very special occasion. They work hard by making every effort possible to raise money for blood cancer research. The disease affects 139, 860 Americans alone per year. In other words, every 4 minutes another person is diagnosed with blood cancer. Clearly, these numbers are grim and strong action needs to be taken. While there is already a remarkable amount of exploration being done towards finding the cure, we have not succeeded yet. Thus, more help is always needed, and it starts with you.
If you want to get involved, there are several ways to do it. One of the best awareness events is organized by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The event, named the Light the Night Walk is a charity walk held every year for communities across the nation to raise money for donations. The funds raised by the Light the Night walkers go towards providing four important things: blood cancer research, educational materials, local support groups and counseling, and free personalized assistance for victims and their families.
The Light the Night walk is a crucial component of the fundraising process, and the research for finding the cure for leukemia depends upon it. During the course of this event, every Light the Night walker carries with them special illuminated balloons which are color coated for specific purposes. White balloons are for leukemia survivors, red balloons denote leukemia awareness supporters, and gold balloons are reserved for those who have lost a loved one to blood cancer.
If you would like to join the Light the Night Walk, or host your own Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness event, Motivators also offers a wide selection of Leukemia Awareness Month giveaways for this purpose. Our company understands the tremendous amount of passion and emotion that this event carries with it, so we want to make the best effort possible to provide you with promotional items that are both sensitive and appropriate. With that being said, there are several giveaways that would be ideal for this cause.
For one, the official symbol of Leukemia & Lymphoma is the red blood droplet. If you want to promote Leukemia Awareness in any way, something like a droplet shaped magnet is a classy way to do it. This is a great item to use for getting people to come to your blood drive or fundraiser. Businesses can also get custom imprinting done on these blood drop magnets, along with an inspirational message of your choosing. It isn't done for marketing purposes, but rather just a professional way to show that your company is aware of the fight against blood cancer, and that you care.
Another wonderful giveaway for this occasion is our custom awareness bracelets. The idea of these bracelets began several years ago as the "LiveStrong" bracelets, led by cyclist Lance Armstrong to promote the fight against testicular cancer. Though this item has been worn in present day for just about any purpose, the concept itself is still rooted in the fight against cancer. These bracelets are subtle, and exceptionally appropriate for promoting the fight against leukemia.
If you want to know more about blood cancer, all the information known about the disease can be found at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Daniel Namm is an e-marketing specialist for Motivators, Inc., a Long Island based promotional products distributor. The company's website, has over 40,000 e-commerce enabled promotional products. Check out the latest selection of Leukemia Awareness Month giveaways to honor Leukemia & Lymphoma

Umbilical Cord Blood Miracle - How Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood Help in Curing Diseases

When a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta is usually discarded as medical waste. Not any more, as such blood has been found to be a very important and rich source of stem cells, and stem cells is mankind's latest hope in its battle against age-old fatal diseases.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that eventually become the different types of blood cells. And as of today, about 70 medical disorders have been treated with such cells, specifically those taken from the umbilical cord. Such cells are very important in the treatment of, say, leukemia, or cancer of the blood. When patients undergo radiation therapy or chemotherapy, their stock stem cells are destroyed, leaving them in a very vulnerable, almost deadly condition. Traditionally, they receive transplant from a donor via bone marrow transplant or direct normal blood transfusion. These two sources of stem cells are fraught with pain and side-effects, and it is tricky to find a donor match.
On the other hand, stem cells from umbilical cord blood are very easy to collect and transplant, and it is not painful to administer. Moreover, it is not difficult to find a family member that can provide a match. And the greatest thing of all is that umbilical cord blood is almost always free of any contamination or infection.
Stem cell transplants can save lives of people with serious diseases, such as leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells) and other cancers, or those with serious blood disorders (aplastic anemia). Recently, it has been found that such cells taken from cord blood can also be used in the treatment of brain injury, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and heart disorders.
Because of its obvious importance, umbilical cord blood and its storage in an established cord blood bank upon the birth of a baby is becoming a hot issue. The good thing is that parents nowadays have this risk-free choice.
For more information regarding how storing cord blood can protect you and your child's future, check out umbilical cord blood.
Kayla Leeds is a veteran author who maintains a news website called Hot Daily Buzz (

Monday, August 16, 2010

Coping With Leukemia Through Cord Blood Treatment

Do you suffer leukemia? It will be your good news then. You can have a good and effective treatment through cord blood. This blood is considered as the strong source for stem cells. Stem cells are obtained from embryos. Yet, the treatment using this kind of cell is the right solution for some disorder such as leukemia.
Stem cells have the ability to replicate themselves to treat, repair, and also cure the damaged cells by some diseases including leukemia. Historically, the treatment by using this type of cell was formerly completed in 1988. Yet, the general public could access this procedure in 1995. Today, you are able to meet cold blood banking for storing the stem cells as well as cord blood.
Cord blood will be the right answer for some diseases. On June 2009, this blood was believed to be able to treat eighty diseases. It is a potential treatment for patients with leukemia, specifically for those who have no acceptable source for bone narrow transplant.
Then, how to use this cord blood as the treatment for leukemia? The process of the treatment begins when the blood is obtained from the giving birth mother. The patient is then given regular chemotherapy and followed by the high-dose chemotherapy. It is able to kill either normal or cancer-producing blood cells of the bone marrow. Since stem cell is able to kill the previous cells, it will replicate and replace for new cells.
Furthermore, the real transplantation happens when the patient is injected with the stem cells. They are able to take over the new white blood cells creation of around 10 up to 14 days so that the production of your blood will gradually return to normal. In addition, you can possibly need transfusions of some substances such as platelets and red blood cells since they are not able to reproduce on their own.
Cord blood can be easily collected right after the birth. In order to keep it sterilized, it is then cryogenically stored either in a public or private bank until it is needed for transplant. In addition, this blood can be stored for indefinite time until it is needed for the treatment.
Since stem cells are very beneficial for treating some disorder, cord blood collection will be very beneficial right after giving birth. Then, the cells can be stored at the cord blood banks for future need. You can find some more information about it on

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mesothelioma - How to Cope After Diagnosis

If you know someone that has worked with asbestos in the past, then chances are that they have mesothelioma. It is important that you provide the right kind of support and ensure that the people diagnosed with this ailment are not left alone. There are a number of things that you can do in order to help the person who is suffering from this condition.
By showing that you care, you are ensuring that the person doesn't feel abandoned and has the hope and the will power to survive. This is important, no matter what the illness might be.
Getting the best medication
One of the most important things to make sure of in the people that have been diagnosed with this condition is that they are able to get the right kind of medical attention. In many cases, simply getting quality medical care goes a long way in ensuring that the patients don't have to suffer unnecessarily and are also able to cope with the pain in a much nicer way.
Although permanently getting rid of Mesothelioma is not possible, it is very much possible to reduce the pain caused by it. You will have to motivate the person and ensure that they do try out this treatment.
Getting legal help
Simple opting for medical attention is not enough. You need to ensure that the individuals suffering with Mesothelioma are not doing so in silence. With the right kind of legal recourse, it is possible that the individual can earn a substantial amount of money. With more money, it is possible to opt in for better healthcare and not simply struggle after being diagnose with this condition.
Many people lose hope because they run out of money before they get fully cured. This can be avoided if you file a strong lawsuit and win it with the help of a good lawyer.
Supporting as a group
As said previously, it is important to support the person that has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma in the form of a group. As long as the person knows that he can count on people around him, it is less likely that he is going to have to struggle in order to cope with the problems and also recovery soon after that.
Hence, having a good amount of support from near and dear ones is important. If you want a way in which you could be of help, it might probably be useful to help the individual try to find out a good lawyer and have this lawyer fight the case for you.
In a number of ways, having all the people support in an orderly manner and ensuring that the medical processes as well as the legal ones are going on as planned will help in successfully fighting mesothelioma.
Although medically, it is rather challenging to get a solution to curb the spread of this cancer, it is not necessarily hopeless. There are ways in which the cancer can be curbed and the person struggling with the disease can lead a somewhat normal life for a reasonable amount of time.
In order to get compensated from the people responsible for the onset of this cancer, it is necessary to get mesothelioma lawyers to help you out. Go to the website to learn more