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Monday, September 28, 2009

Alternative Cancer Treatment - Breast Cancer's and Success With Alternative Therapies

If you are angry or sad because you, someone you know has cancer, or has died from cancer, you are right to feel this way.

I'll bet you think there is nothing we can do about this but just lye down and take it. Traditional therapy and
treatments just may or may not work and you are at the mercy of the physicians opinion of what drugs you should take while worrying if your body will respond.

There is another way though. If you are like most people, you will probably find it hard to believe that the use of alternative natural therapies, substances or elements could have such a far-reaching and broad spectrum efficacy when it comes to curing diseases. Because of the success rates it will be hard for most people to wrap their brains around it. The simple concepts are most often the powerful ones and usually the ones most ignored.

Some of these simple inexpensive therapy can be self-administered at home with successful results.

An estimated 15,000 European medical doctors, naturopaths, and homeopaths have administered natural powerful alternative therapies to over 10 million people over the past 70 years to treat over 50 different diseases.

Natural alternative therapies are the simple and organic approach to healing disease and maintaining health and are sometimes pushed aside by the pharmaceutical companies.

For all the new drugs that are "discovered" there is more cancer and disease in our world than there has ever been before. Interesting isn't it? Why is it that alternative cancer treatments are not the first treatments offered?

Most alternative methods are safe, inexpensive and powerful healing modalities - and when used properly and can potentially render almost all pharmaceutical drugs and medical treatments obsolete.

Having an alternative cancer treatment within your knowledge base, now you have the option available within your close reach before resorting to harmful drugs that can potentially make cancer situations worse.

Learn More Click Here!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Breast Mammograms May Mean Over - Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Today breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women, after lung cancer. As a result, yearly breast mammograms have become common for women over 40, or anyone at high risk of developing this dangerous, disfiguring disease.

Now that programs like this are in place, experts had expected that the number of cases of advanced breast cancer would drop off, but that's not happening.

Instead the incidence of breast cancer seems to have gone up since widespread screening became part of our yearly exams. Why?

Women know that early detection of breast cancer can save lives, but that doesn't make going for that yearly mammogram any less nerve wracking or uncomfortable.

We endure the testing because we've been told we need to find lumps when they're too small to feel or bring symptoms, before they have a chance to grow and cause trouble.

But do all cancers cause problems?

Late last year a large Norwegian study of mammography screening for breast cancer found that some invasive cancers might spontaneously regress over time, leaving no sign that they were ever present in a woman's body.

Makes you wonder, now that we can screen for it, if this type of cancer isn't over diagnosed or over treated.

This latest BMJ report citing an over-diagnosis rate for invasive breast cancer of 35% could truly have you re-thinking that yearly mammogram.

Besides this type of cancer, over-diagnosis has also been mentioned for cancer of the prostate as well as neuroblastoma, melanoma, thyroid cancer and lung cancer.

The latest work on over-diagnosis comes from researchers out of the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Copenhagen.

The team looked at the findings of studies that spanned a 14-year period. 7 years before public mammography screenings were available, and 7 years after government run mammography-screening programs were in place in five different countries (United Kingdom, Canada, New South Wales, Australia, Manitoba, Sweden and areas in Norway)

They found an over-diagnosis rate of 52% for all cancers, 35% for invasive breast cancer.

The data shows a jump in breast cancer incidence just after the screening programs were put in place.

What this work suggests, as did the Norwegian study before it, that perhaps not all cancers need to be treated, some might grow too slowly to affect a patient and others may resolve on their own.

It's important to know that no doctor or current screening technique can tell the difference between a cancer that's dangerous and one that might not be.

In a BMJ editorial that's published along with the research, professor of medicine Dr. H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Research recognizes the problem of over-diagnosis, understanding the trauma and terror a woman endures after being given such news by her doctor.

Surgery and chemotherapy bring their own set of difficulties that are physically demanding and emotionally draining, and a terrible trial for patients and families. Especially those whose cancers might not have needed to be treated at all.

While this latest study is still not an excuse, or recommendation, to put off your yearly mammogram, it does raise some rather nagging questions.

Until we know more, each woman has to decide for herself whether to continue with yearly breast mammograms, but it is clear that screening has let us detect earlier cancers and start treatment earlier.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Step Up to Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer prevention works to help raise viable awareness about this critical issue. It therefore helps the individual live with practices that will help them develop a more positive outlook towards life. Risk factors that affect the rate of breast cancer are depreciated by the education of people who are most at risk of contracting the disease. Having tested positive, however, a number of initiatives have been formed which carefully administrate drugs that help in diminishing the spread of the cancer.

A lot of your daily actions, however, can be affected in order to prevent the spread of the breast cancer. These include limiting your alcohol intake and planning a healthier diet. This position also dictates that you constantly watch your weight since it may result in your body's immunity being compromised by the cancerous cells. Once you eliminate the fatty cells from your body, the amount of estrogen produced by them is reduced therefore eliminating one factor that positively influences a vector environment.

Physical activity may go a long way in keeping your body in shape. Such activity helps give you a steady heartbeat and in the end will result in stronger bones. With a more sedentary past, one may start with exercises such as jogging and aerobics. In the process, they could pick up on the rest of the more strenuous exercises.

Non hormonal therapy is also a nice way to experience the effect of reduced cancer agents. You should also avoid constant use of toxic agents. If at all it is necessary to have such contact frequently take as much precaution as can be afforded. Pesticides in most cases contain chemicals that have been studied to cause cancer; therefore you can reduce using such agents. A better alternative is to employ the services of an experienced exterminator.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Leukemia Treatment Failure - Are There Alternatives?

I just read the story of a young man in England who is dying of leukemia. He has been through chemotherapy and radiation therapy twice. He has also had a bone marrow transplant. He has suffered through the side effects of the new bone marrow attacking his body. He has been on steroids and other drugs.

His cancer returned despite all of the treatment. He lost his girlfriend, he lost his job and he lost his flat and moved in with his parents. He is dying. He really believes that he will die.

I want to be very respectful and gentle because dying is a serious topic. However, what if there were alternatives that may help? I cannot speak for you, but it seems to me that if modern mainstream medicine failed me, I would turn to alternative medicine.

What about the work of Renee Caisse and her Essiac formula? What about the work of a German biochemist named Johanna Budwig? What about the excellent book: How To Fight Cancer and Win?

What about the work of Bernie Siegal - a cancer surgeon who found another way? There are people who have defeated cancer.

Again, I don't mean to make light of a situation as serious as cancer or leukemia. But, is it prudent to except the fact that one is incurable because a few doctors following the protocals of allopathic medicine thought there was no hope? Stories abound of people who have successfully defeated their cancer or have been in remission so long that you might as well say they won the fight.

Here are some more things to explore: What about juicing wheat grass and vegetables. What about macrobiotic diets. What about...? The list is long.

Since cancer is a serious disease, don't take any chances. What I wrote here was for information and entertainment only. I certainly do not intend to provide advice, diagnosis or treatment suggestions for cancer. If you have or think you have any type of health condition at all, visit your doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA certainly hasn't evaluated any of the thoughts in this article, nor are they likely to if they continue to follow the trend of their history. Natural treatments are often ignored and not scientifically investigated. There is no one paying for such research.

When all else fails, what do you have to lose by trying? Next, learn more about natural cancer treatments through the links below.

Read more about natural cancer treatments at:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - What Increases Your Risk?

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is diverse group of cancers of lymphatic system which is part of human immune system. The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels, lymph nodes, lymph, tonsils, thymus and spleen. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is most commonly detected in older adults in the age groups of 60s and 70s.

There are no known causes for development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma however medical experts believe that disorders in immune system and older age may increase your chance of having the disease. Research is going on all the time to try to find out other causes that led to the development of this disease.

The following risk factors may increase your chance of acquiring this disease:

Being Male: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more common in males than in women.

Age: Though NHL can occur at any age but risk increases as ones age progresses. It is most commonly found in people above 60 years of age.

Past cancer treatment: Past cancer treatment can affect your risk of NHL two-fold. Some chemotherapy drugs can increase your risk of getting NHL 10 to 15 years after treatment. Having radiotherapy in the past also increases your risk of acquiring NHL.

Weakened immune system: NHL is most commonly found in those people whose immune system does not work properly. These include HIV and AIDS patients. It also occurs among those people who take medicines that impair the immune system following an organ transplant.

Viral infection: Infection with virus called 'Human T cell Lymphoma virus 1 (HTLV1), hepatitis's C, and Epstein-Barr Virus increase the risk of developing NHL.

Bacterial infection: The bacteria called "Helicobacter pylori" increases the risk of Lymphoma called MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma. This type of lymphoma is usually located in stomach lining.

Environmental Exposure: Exposure to insecticide and pesticide, solvents, rubber processing, asbestos, arsenic, nuclear waste and fertilizers increases the risk of developing NHL.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Defeated With PH Balance and Nutritional Therapy

As a person diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) since 2001, I've had my eyes trained on Google Alerts and on the web in general, regularly looking for breakthroughs, both conventionally and in the alternative medicine arena. Many people who are diagnosed with CLL are told to hold off on any treatment, as the disease often progresses slowly, and any improvement with treatment is not permanent. Worse yet, the course and aggressiveness of the disease can change at any time. Patients are told to "watch and wait." This is not a happy way to live.

No role models. The sad truth is that, until this past January 2009, I could find no reference (not one) of any person who was cured of CLL through any kind of traditional medical -- or alternative -- therapy. The only exception are those who have been cured by way of a bone marrow transplant (BMT). Unfortunately, many people do not survive the procedure. It is extremely risky. Worse yet, a patient can survive the BMT and still have CLL, or develop CLL again at a later date.

The five-year time-line. Despite all the research and trials, there is still no conventionally-sanctioned therapy (chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, etc.), short of BMT, that can effect a cure. Doctors give patients the hope for a complete remission of five years with some of the available therapies. Not all patients achieve complete remission in the first round of chemotherapy. And the chance of success, measured by five-year survival, decreases with each new form of conventional therapy. Not an encouraging picture. This situation has been evident to me since 2001, when I was forty-six and first diagnosed. Who wants to hear about a five-year life plan when you're forty-six? Not me! While there have been some promising conventional "breakthroughs," the survival rate remains pretty much the same today.

The search for an alternative. My search for an alternative treatment, or treatment protocol, has been equally difficult. I have been able to find testimony on the web of leukemia patients who have become cancer-free (acute myelogenous leukemia or acute lymphocytic leukemia), but no such luck for CLL. At best, there were stories of people who had held off their CLL with the controversial laetrile (apricot seed extract). But no one with CLL had become cancer free. I was discouraged, but I never gave up the search, or my attempt to discover a blueprint to good health.

The 2009 breakthrough. In January of this year, my Google Alerts revealed an article written by Steve Freier, a man with CLL who recovered to full cancer-free health. He regained his health by having his root canals removed and also by taking coral calcium. Because of his experience, I am in the process now of having all my mercury amalgams replaced with safer porcelain fillings. To find information about his recovery, type "Steve Freier" and "CLL" into Google.

Breakthrough #2. In April 2009, while searching for information about infrared saunas and its effect on leukemia, my husband came across this website: It is the story of Hessel Baartse, of Adelaide, Australia. He has totally defeated his CLL by means of removing his root canals and mercury amalgams, and by drastically altering his diet and supplementation, with a concentration on restoring his pH levels to a healthy balance. He credits his dentist, for his complete recovery.

There are finally role models for CLL recovery. What used to be a complete mystery now is a challenge with a blueprint for success. There are now at least two cases of men who have beat the odds and defeated their CLL by means of mercury amalgam and root canal removal, nutritional therapy, and pH balance. The further good news is that this program is likely a blueprint to health for people with many other chronic health issues, including cancers.

The future. Because of the Internet and the speed with which we can share information, more people will be able to find a way to recover their good health through alternative means.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer and is one of many illnesses that occur with the exposure of benzene. Like other kinds of leukemia, it develops in the bone marrow spreads to the blood, lymph nodes, organs, the nervous system and other body parts. If it is not detected early enough, AML can be fatal within a few months.

Benzene Exposure

Exposure to benzene for a long period is a known risk factor. This carcinogen is a solvent used in industries that create drugs, rubber, dyes, plastics and other things. People working in these industries have a higher risk of developing AML.

Groundwater is another place where exposure to benzene can occur. This can happen near petroleum plants and gas stations when a leak happens or waste products were not disposed as it should be. Then these and other dangerous chemicals may soak into the groundwater and residents close by may consume these chemical

An individual who was exposed to this carcinogen for a long period and then developed acute myeloid leukemia may be allowed to seek compensation for the damages suffered. If you think your illness was caused by being exposed to benzene, contact a lawyer.

Additional Risk Factors

More factors increase the risk of acute myeloid leukemia consisting of:

  • Smoking
  • Some chemotherapy drugs, especially if combined with radiation therapy
  • Some illnesses of the blood includes myelodysplastic syndrome, which damages the development of blood cells and may grow into leukemia

Common and Specific Symptoms

Common symptoms of this leukemia are likely to be similar to conditions that are not as severe. These symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of appetite or weight loss

More specific symptoms include:

  • Anemia and its related symptoms (lightheadedness, weakness, headache)
  • Chronic infections
  • Bone/joint pain
  • Abdominal inflammation
  • Swelling, pain, bleeding of the gums
  • Rash (spottiness or bumps) on the skin

Diagnosis and Treatment

It is important that acute myeloid leukemia be diagnosed early and treated as soon as it is diagnosed for a positive result. In diagnosing this leukemia, doctors will need a complete medical history about the patient. A doctor will be able to tell if the patient was exposed to any risk factors such as benzene. A series of tests will be run including blood tests, lab tests and other related tests. If the illness was found in any tests, treatment plans will be set, for example:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Operation
  • Radiation treatment
  • Bone marrow transplant
  • Clinical trials

Other treatments a doctor may suggest to relieve an individual's pain is acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, etc.

Diagnosed with AML?

Contact a lawyer if you were diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia because of being exposed to benzene for a long period. Medical lawyers are experienced in these types of cases. They will evaluate your case at no cost and they will advise you of your legal options. You may be entitled to money damages for the medical costs and other associated expenses due to your condition.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Did We Give Our Child Cancer?

PART 1: The worst day of my life:

I knew that it could be serious when our doctor called and said he'd made an appointment for our 4 year old daughter Laura, at the Children's ward of a major hospital 50 miles away.

We packed up the car and started out. Not much was being said between my wife an I. It was a dreary day, overcast with a little light rain. As we drove down the highway, I remember hoping for some sort of a sign .... maybe the clouds would suddenly separate and the sun would break through and shine down on us ... maybe a car would drive by and the people inside would look over and give us a friendly smile ... anything that would assure me that someone from above was telling me everything was going to be OK. But there were no signs.

We managed to find the hemoc/oncology unit with little trouble. My initial reaction as we entered the room was that of horror, seeing all those precious young children in such poor health. I said to myself "why are we here ? My daughter can't be this sick." Girls and boys, both walking very slowly, some with limps, no hair on their heads, some with scars, others pulling an IV along with them. Was this a preview of what my daughter will soon look like?

After a lengthy wait, it was time for Laura's test - a spinal tap. My wife held her in her lap as the drugs were administered .... it was only 3 or 4 seconds before my daughters eyes rolled back in her head and her body went limp. It was a vision I will never be able to get out of my mind. My eyes filled with tears, as it appeared the life had been taken completely out of her. She was placed on a table, and we were politely asked to leave. What a gut-wrenching feeling I had in my stomach as I walked away from her now motionless body.

The nurse said, "she'll be OK, she's just sleeping .. the procedure won't take long, and she'll soon be back in your arms".

From that point on, time seemed to stand still. I could hear the clock ticking. 10 minutes went by, then 20 and pretty soon 30 minutes had elapsed and still nothing. It was then that I knew that this was as serious as Laura's pediatrician had thought. The waiting was unbearable.

Finally, the doctors emerged and their faces said it all. There were no smiles. The lead doctor came over and invited us into another room, and then it came ... "I'm sorry, but your daughter has leukemia". There was total silence.

PART 2: The reason why?

As time went by, I kept thinking to myself, "why did this happen? We've had no history of cancer on either side of our families, much less leukemia". Were we being punished for some reason?

We had our home and the babysitter's home tested for radon gas ... both came back negative.

We don't live near a bunch of powerlines, so electromagnetic wires were not the culprit.

Could this have happened during childbirth? (Laura was delivered by C-section)

So many questions were being asked, without getting any answers, which only led to more questions.

The one that kept coming back into my head was "How"? How did this happen .. and why her? I felt so helpless, but knew that I had to do something to help my little girl (as well as my other daughter, my wife and myself). Something brought this on, I just didn't know what.

So I started educating myself, not just on leukemia, but health in general, and what I found out was disturbing to say the least. We are living in a toxic mess - exposing our bodies to a virtual onslaught of dangerous chemicals every day.

Chemicals in body wash, in shampoos, in soap, in body lotion, in toothpaste, in mouthwash, in hair spray, in cosmetics, in air fresheners, in household cleaners, in dish detergents .. the list goes on and on. Could this be what caused my daughter's illness? Could it have been brought on by the lifestyle that my wife and I were living prior to conception? Could it have been brought on during the pregnancy? Could it have happened after Laura was born?

Was her sickness caused by these things that we used on a daily basis?

To this day, we still don't have all the answers, but we have changed our lifestyle. I didn't realize how much I took health and life for granted until I thought my daughter's was in jeopardy. Every day is a gift now.

I believe everything in life happens for a reason. Perhaps God chose me deliberately .. to go thru this, learn from it and then pass along my new found knowledge. My guess is, his plan was for me to teach others so that they may never have to endure the pain and agony of watching their child (or some other loved one) go thru what our child went thru. Learn from my experience, so that you may possibly avoid one.

Knowledge is one thing, but action is quite another. The second part of this plan must have been to align me with a company which offers products of unrivalled purity and effectiveness - free from any harmful ingredients. It is this company and their products that I now use and recommend to all that come in contact with me. I feel it's my duty in life and something that I was meant to do.

Cancer is a dreaded disease that has robbed us all of so many wonderful people. I have seen first hand what it's like to watch somebody battle thru it. It's not fun and it's not pretty. In fact some researchers are predicting that by the year 2030, 26 million people a year worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million dying from it.

So it is my mission to educate people on the dangers in the products they are using on a daily basis and offer them healthy alternatives. I'm actually quite angry at what is being sold to unknowing customers ... products being touted as "safe", as "natural", as "gentle", as "organic" ... are really anything but that. Products with catchy names and slogans in brightly colored, fancy shaped packages - all in the hopes of making a healthy profit, but making it anything but healthy for the end user. Unless we change our lifestyles and start supporting companies like the one I've aligned myself with, those researchers may well have made an accurate prediction for the year 2030. My goal is to make those numbers much, much less .. one person or one generation at a time.

In closing, let me leave you with a thought - perhaps the final part of God's plan was for you to read this story and then see if you'll act on it.

Like I said earlier, I believe everything in life happens for a reason.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 Things That Increase Your Risk of Getting Leukemia

There are always things we can do to reduce the risks of getting certain diseases. If your family history already has occurrences of leukemia in it then taking precautions is a wise step. Read on to see what things can increase your chances to contract this disease.

Doctors are still not sure of all the causes for leukemia, but there is a consensus on what factors will increase your chances to exacerbate this disease.

These are three common risk factors associated with leukemia

  1. Smoking or Tobacco - the dangers of these toxins are clearly stated on the sides of the cigarette packages. It hasn't dampened the sales of this product and the health damage is well known.
  2. Chemical Exposure - such as benzene and formaldehyde. This could have been over a period of time causing chronic cases that surface after years of exposure.
  3. Infection - one type of infection is a form of HIV called HTLV-1. This virus infects T-Cells, atype of white blood cell. Usually contracted through needles, blood transfusions, sexual contact or breast feeding.

This type of cancer is contracted when your bone marrow starts over producing the white cells which are the fighter cells. These white cells can also be mutated or malfunctioning cells, in either case they cause havoc for you system.

If you read the book "Cell Talk" you will discover that the 7 trillion cells that reside in your body have a communication system. They have their own way of talking so the way you think and feel is transmitted to and through the. this opens the door for alternative treatments and other options for hope.

There is no doubt this condition is serious, but you can seriously combat leukemia with complementary options.

Start by going to Luekemia Options for more information and alternatives on this subject. It's time to take back your Health. It's time to enjoy life again and it's your time to find out about all the choices you have for Good Health.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prostate Cancer… Could it b Overdiagnosed?

According to some doctors, it is possible that prostate cancer is being over diagnosed. What does that really mean? Either you have cncer or you don’t not , right? True , but it is the stage ay which the cancer is detected that counts here. The wisdom is that oftentimes when prostate cancer is diagnosed the tumor is so small and the cancer grows at such a slow pace that the odds are the individual would die of something else before they would die from prostate cancer.

Research is currently being conducted to determine at what point a prostate cancer diagnosis actually make a patient’s life better. Dr. Len Lchtenfeild of the American Cancer Society says that the newly released study by researchers in the Netherlands and released by the Journal of the national Cancer Institute, reinforces the message that we are over diagnosing prostate cancer. The newly released study found out if the ten tumors that were found in patients involved in the study were so small and slow growing that the odds are, the tumors would have never caused a patient any problems. Dr. Lichtenfield says these estimates may even be low for the number of patients that are over diagnosed. Some doctors are raising the questions as to when do you diagnose the cancer and when do you just let nature run its course.

The newly released study followed prostate cancer diagnosed in men ages 54 to 80 between1985 and 2000, in the US. The study followed three different models developed by cancer centers at attempt at more accurately estimating over diagnosis of prostate cancer. The team led by researchers at Erasmus University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, found from 23 to 42 percent of patients who were diagnosed through PSA tests, a blood test that measures prostate specific antigen where elevated levels may indicate problems, would have had their prostate cancer go undetected through their lifetime, it is had not been for the PSA test.
The study tried to determine , at what point PSA tests are necessary and at what point bypassing the test would be better. Many doctors believe because of over diagnosis, many men undergo unnecessary tests or take medications that do not really extend their lives. The recently released study conducted many PSA test diagnose prostate cancer too often because though the patient many really have the cancer, the tumors are so small and growing slowly that old age or some other factor would lead to death before the prostate cancer.
While the American Cancer Society does not recommend routine testing or prostate cancer, they do recommend doctors offer testing to patients annually, beginning at age 50.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Leukemia Treatment With Green Tea?

Chronic lymphocyte leukemia is the most common subtype of leukemia in the United States. It is presently an incurable disease. Unlike most other types of cancer in which early diagnosis increases the probability that a patient can be cured, treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy is associated with increased toxicity but no increase in patient survival.

Despite this grim fact, there is good news. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has shown patients with chronic lymphocyte leukemia in a phase one study, had a reduction of their lymphocyte in 33 % of participant. By doing so, the team of cancer researchers from the State University of New Jersey, established a positive link between green tea and a potential treatment of leukemia.

Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the consumption of green tea decreased the risk of cancer. Furthermore, prevention of the apparition of a tumor in animal models by tea, supported its ability to interfere with basic cancer processes, like angiogenesis and inflammation.

Green tea in a pill is still a long way off before the Food and Drug Administration approves this to be prescribed by your oncologist. By counting the phase 2 and the phase 3 studies, we are talking about 4 to 5 years before commercialization if all went well. And I am not bring the cost of these pills.

A tasty drink made with inexpensive ingredient, tea bought from the local market could sidestep many of these concerns. After all, food is the one medicine that we seem quite willing to take at least three times a day.

Want to find more about green tea go to functional food green tea.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Basic Facts About Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that occurs in our lymphatic system. Lymphatic system is a network of small vessels and tissues spaces that circulates fluid called lymph throughout the body. Our lymphatic system consists of organs, ducts, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes.

Lymphoma usually originates in the lymph nodes located all around the body, but they can also develop around lymph tissue that does not form distinct nodes. When lymph cancer develops in lymph nodes or lymph tissues, cells in the lymphatic system replicates abnormally.

Lymphomas are grouped into two major categories: Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).Hodgkin's disease tends to origin from lymph nodes and is found most commonly in younger adults while non-Hodgkin's disease can spread beyond the lymphatic system and occurs mostly in middle aged or elderly people.. These two major types of lymphoma are further divided into several subtypes. Diagnosis of lymphoma is usually done by biopsy of lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes affected by lymphoma appear prominently enlarged and disfigured. They may be stiff and have appearance similar to that of fish flesh. In extremely rare cases they are rock hard and they may show areas of cellular deaths (necrosis). Patients with lymphoma may have painless swellings of lymph nodes in the neck, underarm and/or groin. Some patients, especially those with Hodgkin's disease shows symptoms such as fever, night sweats, malaise fatigue, weight loss and itchy skin.

The treatment of lymphoma depends on the type of lymphoma diagnosed and also on the stage of the cancer, its location, the extent of symptoms and the physical condition and health of the patients. Radiotherapy is a preferred treatment for patients with both types of lymphoma. The other treatment options include chemotherapy, bone marrow or stem cell transplants, radio immunotherapy or biologic therapy.

Facts on Leukemia and What to Do About It

There are many facts known about leukemia and if someone is dealing with the problem it's these facts they need to know. Like all cancers, leukemia happens for a reason as its not some mysterious illness that science can't fathom. For instance it's exceptionally rare in S.E. Asia but is prevalent in all western developed countries.

Some of the facts that have been linked to leukemia are high voltage power lines and people living close to these have a much higher risk factor. The chemical formaldehyde that is commonly found in our homes has also been linked to it. Food items associated with leukemia are aspartame, the artificial sweetener in many soft drinks and chewing gum. Sodium nitrite is another; the additive is used in luncheon meats. Other meats that contain sodium nitrite are sausages, hot dogs, hamburgers, bacon, ham, and any meats that have been processed.

Foods that are known to help leukemia patients are turmeric, the root vegetable that is the yellow colouring used in curry powder, bananas, oranges as well as grape seed extract. Also vitamin A which is most abundant in carrots, broccoli, squash and spinach. As with most nutrients it is always best to get them from natural sources and not in supplement form. In other words eat grapes, that is grapes with seed in them and buy turmeric fresh, grate it and use it in cooking.

There are many facts known about all cancers but unfortunately today our medical system is more interested in treating these different cancers instead of providing us with these known facts so we can avoid the problem in the first place. We don't have cancer prevention today; we only have expensive toxic treatments that are not very effective. Remember there is nothing in our 3 main treatments that will stop the return of cancer.

All cancers including leukemia have many known causes and these are; nutritional deficiencies, our sedentary lifestyle and the chemicals we encounter everyday. Leukemia is cancer of the blood; the body has lost control and makes too many white blood cells so why would it be any different to any other cancer. Anyone with leukemia needs to address all these issues, that is eat food in its natural state, get some exercise and be wary of all chemicals we use in our homes these days.

There is no such thing as a single cause for cancer, all cancers have multiple causes so the way to successfully overcome leukemia is to address the underlying causes and a change of diet is a great start. A strict natural diet is of paramount importance.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Leukemia Cancer - Everything You Need to Know

Leukemia is generally considered and known as blood cancer, where as if considered in its real terms leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells and the platelets. These platelets actually help blood to clot. Additionally when the white blood cells reduce in amount they actually leave the immune system unlocked for attack and the patient sometimes die of a very usual illness like flu. In general the deficiency of normal white cells impairs the body's ability to struggle against infections. A shortage of platelets results in bruising and easy bleeding whenever there is a need of clot to stop the flow of blood.

All kinds of various acute or chronic diseases of leukemia are dangerous. Acute leukemia being a swiftly succeeding disease affects typically cells that are embryonic or primitive (which means the cells that have not yet fully developed or differentiated from the others). These not fully formed cells thus cannot achieve their standard utility. These cells are described as "nonfunctional" because they do not work like normal cells. They also number out the usual normal healthy cells in the marrow, resulting in a decrease in the number of new healthy normal cells made in the marrow. These later results in low red cell counts which is a typical form of anemia.

On the other hand chronic leukemia develops gradually, and allows the development of larger amounts of more developed cells. In broader perspective, these more grown-up cells can achieve some of their typical functionality but due to the increase in the number of cells like white blood cells the blood flow may slow down and result in severe anemia.

The leukemia is categorized in to four basic categories which are as follows:

• Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
• Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
• Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
• Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

For acute leukemia following are the signs and symptoms of leukemia:

• Fatigue or tiredness
• Shortness of breath during physical activity
• Sluggish curing of cuts and excess bleeding
• Mild fever or night sweats
• Black-and-blue spots (bruises) for no evident cause
• Pinhead-size red spots under the skin
• Pale skin
• Low white cell counts
• Aches in bones or joints

As far as chronic leukemia is concerned people with CLL or CML may not have any symptoms. Some patients learn they have CLL or CML after a blood test as part of a usual checkup. Occasionally, a person with CLL may see enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin and go to the doctor. The person may feel exhausted or short of breath or have frequent infections, if the CLL is more severe. In these cases, a blood test may show an increase in the lymphocyte count.

A comprehensive blood count is utilized to make a diagnosis of leukemia. This blood examination may confirm high or low point of white cells and show leukemic cells within the blood. Sometimes, number of platelet and red cell are fairly low. Bone marrow tests like aspiration and biopsy are often carried out to verify the analysis and to glance for any chromosome irregularities. All these tests spot the leukemia and its cell category. These tests must be continued after regular intervals after treatment commences to gauge how sound the healing is.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chemotherapy-Drug Information

Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. Cells grow in our body within limits. If a sudden fast and improper growth of cells take place in a particular part or completely in the body is what we name as cancer. Chemotherapy is a special method of treating the cancer patients. With a help of some kind of drugs inserted into the body, the cancer cells are completely removed or controlled.

Several types of drugs are used in chemotherapy for curing the cancer. The chemotherapy drug usage depends on the type of cancer and stage of it. Also depending upon the age, health of the patients they vary from patient to patient. There are so many drugs available for this purpose.

Let us see some of the drugs used commonly for the chemotherapy are; Cisplatin, Carboplatin, vinorelbine, metheotrexrate, paclitaxel are the widely used. They are used in combinations most of the times.

But there lies a serious possibility of side effects emerging due to the chemotherapy. Most of the side effects happen at the time of undergoing the treatment. General side effects are abdominal pain, headache, vomiting, neck and breathing problems.

Sometimes there may be difference in blood count are seen. This occurs as result of drug used destroys the healthier cells in the body. The platelets in the body may be reduced too. It produces unstopped bleeding.

Hair loss is found to be an inevitable setback while performing this treatment. Loss of weight associated with depression may be a dangerous side effect. Most of the side effects are present at the time of performing chemotherapy and don't appear after the treatment is over.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Discover More About Childhood Leukemia and Its Chronic Symptoms

Are you aware of childhood leukemia and where did it come from? You may be thinking that this is not a problem for you or your children today, but how about the future and the next generation? Nobody can't tell where this hematological disease come from, what may have started it, or what may have caused it. And this is what makes it somewhat depressing.

If you have a child who suffers from this disease, have you tried asking your doctor what may have caused this? Usually they can't really pinpoint which is which, for there are so many possible things that can trigger this, like for instance exposure to chemicals like benzene and dioxins, improper use of plastic materials, multiple nutritional problems, and merely because of genetics. All of these may affect the immune system of a child which may lead to further problems and diseases like this cancer of the blood called leukemia.

Do you know that it has been said that every single person has cancer cells in the body and it is possible that we may have already acquired them even at birth. However, these cancer cells are merely not detected as cancer unless it reaches a certain number which can be confirmed as a detectable size through a series of tests done. So you might be wondering how come your child has reached the age of 2, yet that is the only time that he or she have acquired this disease.

You may not be aware of it at first, but in the previous years or months that you are taking care of your child, he or she might have already acquired the chronic symptoms of leukemia, however wasn't still diagnosed having it because the cancer cells can't still be detected. The chronic symptoms may occur to be as a normal illness like frequent fever any time of the day, occasional stomach aches, sweating at night, bruising, getting colds and cough more often than usual. These symptoms are due to frequent ups and downs of the composition of your child's blood count. And usually a pediatrician would ask for a Complete Blood Count test and may prescribe a medicine to cure any possible infections.

Even a pediatrician can't detect childhood leukemia that soon, unless they have done all the tests and created their own work plan to pin point the main issue. Results of the tests sometimes may lead to severe anemia, or iron deficiency, but with concrete tests such as bone marrow testing, you will then be referred to a hematologist who would be able to read the findings of possible cancer cells present in the bone marrow.

It is not that easy to detect childhood leukemia if you are not aware that cancer is already present in our system and it can be triggered. With a strong immune system you can definitely prevent these cells from multiplying. So, better start living a healthy lifestyle and be aware of the environmental factors which could cause such health issues.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chemotherapy - Drugs Used For Treatment

The method of killing the cancer cells present the whole body or in particular part by passing anti-cancer drugs into the blood stream is called chemotherapy. It is also employed to prevent the spreading of cancer from part to another. It proves to be more efficient when it is used in the metastasis condition. In this condition the cancer spreads to all parts from where it has originated.

Each every chemotherapy agent has specific role depending upon the treatment and characteristics of the drug used. Most of them intervene with the DNA synthesis. Based on their features and treatment they are classified as alkylating agents, anti-metabolits, anthracyclines, antitumor antibiotics, monoclonal antibodies, platinums, or plant alkaloids.

Alkylating agents are the widely used drugs in the chemotherapy treatment. These drugs are effective through all phases of cell cycle. The alkylate agent acts directly on the DNA strands, breaks the strands and forms abnormal pairing, thus prevents the cell division taking place, and cells die off as a result of it.

Anti-metabolits are found to be useful in treating chronic problems and some cases of leukemia and for various tumors.

Anthracyclines drugs are obtained from natural resources. They work by producing free oxygen radicals which acts with the DNA strands and prevents the cell division.

Antitumor antibiotics are obtained from soil fungus streptomyces. It employs the free oxygen radicals for breaking the DNA strands and preventing cell division. Bleomycin is a commonly used antitumor antibiotic

Monoclonal antibodies, they are attach themselves with the tumor specific antigens and thus block the growth of the cell.

Platinums, they are also used to provide the DNA impairing and to stop the cell growth. But the setback is they can injure the kidneys as they are toxic.

Plant alkaloids, according to the name they are derived from plants. And they are used in cell specific cycles.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 Alternative Treatments For Leukemia

Conventional medicine is now recognizing what is called complementary or alternative treatments, alternative treatments for leukemia is one of them. If you are afflicted with this disease you will want to read further to find out about these alternative treatments.

For those who don't know, leukemia is a cancer that starts in the blood forming cells. The bone marrow produces both white and red cells, when this disease takes flight a over abundance of abnormal white cells are produced. These cells can attack good tissue, for what ever reasons they see them as the enemy.

Two Alternative Treatments For Leukemia

  1. Nutritional Therapy - this is just what it states, re-balancing you system based on nutritional imbalances. Natural treatment through the ages has always healed the body by giving it what it lacks in nutrition. Adhering to the belief that "give the body what it needs and it will do the rest".
  2. Naturopathic Medicine - a doctor practicing this type of medicine dips their feet in both traditional and natural treatments. The difference is this practicing doctor digs deeper, they look for the cause which can lead to the cure.

When you hear the word Alternative you will most likely find practitioners that work on a natural and/or spiritual level of healing. Some of it based on hundreds of years of passed on knowledge, some of it based on scientific fact and some of it based on the belief that your mind holds enormous power for healing.

Treatments have two goals, making you better and making life better for you. If any of the alternative treatments for leukemia can do this, why not consider them.

You can start by going to Luekemia Options for more information and alternatives on this subject. It's time to take back your Health. It's time to enjoy life again and it's your time to find out about all the choices you have for Good Health.