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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cancer Alternatives Cures - Introduction: Towards a Freedom of Choice

This quick guide on therapies for cancer treatment is to be understood in a purely informative nature. The aim of those who wrote it is not so much to steer the patient to start a therapy rather than another, but to inform him of the existence of possible "different" than the official ones already known.
In this sense, the information, which is the first step towards knowledge, could lead the patient or his family, to think freely and wider, the better chance of cure. Move towards a freedom of choice is a difficult path that can never be separated from knowledge.
We will speak more of the situations with poor prognosis, cases where the disease is advanced and the chances of healing are minimal, because it is assumed that in the most fortunate cases there is less need to reflect and to evaluate the possibility of taking different treatments.
This account can not be considered exhaustive at all about the different therapeutic options existing for the treatment of cancer, but does represent a strong effort of reflection on them.
In this perspective, this report can be considered certainly not an end point, but rather a starting point, a first step towards a brave awareness about this disease and what the patient or his family can "groped" beyond what they already know. In this sense, start to assume a more aware and active behaviour against the disease, could be of great help in precisely those situations with unfavorable prognosis, when despair is that we no longer know what to do.
The sense of impotence is not only devastating for the patient but also for all the people closest to him. So, overnight, they are in a "tunnel" without knowing why they have entered a way without a glimpse of an exit. But sometimes it can happen to feel the need to do something, and then think of alternatives is absolutely necessary, just to keep alive the hope.
In this contribution, rather than provide answers, deliberately trying to create questions, to question the certainties that seem to be acquired, conscious of the fact that the absolute truth on cancer unfortunately has not been found yet. The different therapeutic options to be discussed will not be deliberately treated comprehensively and completely, to leave to each patient or family, the right space for personal investigation. It is only through a series of reflections and subjective evaluations on the different treatment options that each patient will be able to decide their course of treatment.
The author has found an alternative source of Cancer cure. You can read further info by clicking here

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