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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can Pomegranate Juice Slow Down Prostate Cancer?

How can you imagine pomegranate juice could slow down prostate cancer? There is research to suggest this is so. You can find all sorts of studies for various things, what matter is if it works. Prostate problems seem to be more common that ever before. Read more to find out how to reverse this trend.

With over 186,000 men diagnosed last year (2008) about 28,000 died from this disease. That means a death rate of about 15% is derived from this disease according to the National Cancer Institute.

What Can You Do?

There seems to be no specific cause beyond just diet, medication, toxins, fats and other lifestyle issues that accumulate stress on the prostate. An enlarged prostate creates other problems for the bladder and kidneys by not being able to release fluids, causing UTI and other complications. So, taking care of your prostate early on can avoid any further damage to your prostate and other organs.

Pomegranate juice slows down prostate cancer because it has anti-oxidation qualities, this decreases plaque build-up and allows the prostate to function normally. Even when traditional treatments fail pomegranate juice can continue to benefit your prostate.

Other Factors

The cumulative affect over time seems to hit males in their fifties with this problem. The reason for death is generally procrastination, letting it spread to the point where it's to late. Lack of exercise can lead to toxic build-up and your prostate can be a easy place for this overload of toxins to reside. Pomegranate juice has properties to help with these oxidants which slows the progression of prostate problems. Is this a cure? No, but it is a help along with other things you can do for yourself.

To get more information about your prostate and treatments go to the Prostate Cancer Info, find out what else can help you prevent the spread of this disease. For other cancer information go to Cancer Network, there you will find information about other forms of cancer. Let information not fear create your future.

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