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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Acute myelogenous leukemia is the most common leukemia and is a fast growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Blood cells in the body are made up of platelets known as white and red blood cells. Those who have AML don't have enough white or red blood cells and instead posses abnormal cells that grow quickly as the illness progresses.

AML is not genetic nor is it infectious however it is mostly caused by being exposed to benzene.

What is Benzene?

Benzene is an organic chemical compound. Benzene is used in production of oil, rubber, dyes and plastic. Benzene is commonly used as an additive in other chemicals. There are small amounts of benzene used in manufacturing processes for instance, detergents, pesticides and drugs.

Benzene is linked to various forms of cancer, as well as other physical issues such as dizziness and mental confusion; anemia; and depressed functioning of the immune system.. People are often not aware that they have been exposed to benzene.

Symptoms of AML

Benzene exposure may occur when people breath or ingest it through any number of common products used in daily life and at work. Being exposed can lead to a fatal illness such as acute myelogenous leukemia. There are signs you can look for.

Some symptoms of AML include:

* Abdominal swelling

* Infections that continue or repeat

* Difficulty breathing and lack of energy

* Pain in the joints or bones


Age and disease subtype are factors that doctors will take into consideration in planning the right treatment for the person living with AML. Some treatments that are considered are:

* Chemotherapy

* Transplants from bone marrow or cord blood

* If the subtype is promyelocytic leukemia, then all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) may be used.

If you think you may have been exposed to benzene and have any of the symptoms listed above, please, contact an experienced attorney to get legal support and the direction you need.

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