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Friday, November 21, 2008

Facing Cancer Treatment

According to the American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people died from cancer worldwide during 2007. Early detection and cancer treatment are essential to combat this disease. A Bourbonnais hospital with modern technology can effectively detect and treat cancer so you can resume a normal lifestyle.

Medically speaking, cancer is a class of diseases. When cells have cancer, they display uncontrolled growth and start dividing beyond their normal capacity. As a result, invasion and possible destruction occurs to the adjacent tissues. In some instances, cancer spreads to other locations through the blood of lymph (metastasis).

In many types of cancers, tumors form. The tumors are analyzed to find out of they are benign or malignant. Benign tumors are self-contained and do not grow, invade and spread like malignant tumors. Other types of cancer do not form tumors, such as leukemia. Oncology is the branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer.

Cancer can strike people of all ages, including fetuses. The risk for cancer increases as you get older and your cells are exposed to harmful elements.

The majority of cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the cells that are transformed. Smoking tobacco and exposure to radiation, chemicals and infectious agents can cause these abnormalities. Inherited and DNA replication genetic abnormalities can also affect cancer cell formation.

To diagnose cancer, typically a pathologist will examine a tissue specimen taken during a biopsy. A small piece of the cancerous growth is taken for the biopsy. The pathologist will determine the level of the cancer malignancy so a cancer treatment plan at a Bourbonnais Illinois hospital can be developed for the patient.

Cancer treatment is based on the type, location and stage the cancer is in. Various therapies used to treat cancer include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Target drugs may also be used for cancer treatment. A patient's prognosis is influenced by the type of cancer and how far along the disease has progressed. The earlier cancer is detected, the more likely the patient will receive successful treatment.

For this reason, as people get older they are encouraged by medical professionals to get cancer screening tests at a Manhattan Illinois healthcare facility. Woman over 40 should get an annual mammogram for early detection of breast cancer. Men in their fifties should have a yearly prostrate exam to detect possible prostrate problems. A colonoscopy is also recommended for people over fifty for early detection of rectal and prostrate cancers.

Along with regular medical examinations, healthy living helps to keep cancer at bay. Prevention is one of the best forms of cancer treatment. Smoking, processed foods, UV rays and ongoing exposure to toxins all increase your risk of developing cancer. Well-balanced meals and regular exercise help to minimize your risk of developing cancer.

Riverside Medical Center believes cancer prevention and treatment should be rendered with care and concern and provides these services at their Bourbonnais hospital. This Bourbonnais Illinois hospital is renowned for offering superior, innovative cancer treatment options. At Riverside, you enjoy the convenience of a local Manhattan Illinois healthcare facility with the advantage of all the latest technology and research. Riverside is proud to be named one of the nation's Top 100 Hospitals® by Thomson Healthcare.

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