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Monday, August 3, 2009

Breast Cancer - A Threat to Women

Breast cancer is still considered the number one killer of woman all over the world today. Each year, millions of women in different regions are diagnosed to be ill with the disease. Once diagnosed with the disease, the life of a woman is immediately shortened by years giving few complications not just to herself but to her family as well.

Despite its long existence, scientists and researchers are still puzzled as to where and how to produce a cure for the disease. Until today, there has been no accurate explanation as to how breast cancer can be acquired by a woman. Millions have already contributed their lives to the deadly illness, millions of women are already living with the condition and millions are still endangered to be afflicted with the silent killer.

Few medically approved ways of treating the infection are openly solicited to those who are already ill, and all these ways require great amount of money to be done. Radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy are three suggested medical operations that can be done to a patient depending upon her condition, but these operations do not guarantee totally recovery for the illness. Literally, once a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, she has to live with it until death. Sad but exactly what everyone should expect.

Studies have been funded to help medical professionals acquire adequate knowledge about the subject. Billions of dollars have already been spent for it, but nothing seems to lead them to an absolute cure for the illness. But we hope that in the next years to come, the threat of breast cancer to women will finally be put to rest.

Help support the fight against breast cancer with a Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet from

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