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Thursday, January 22, 2009

How I Effectively Removed an Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma With Out Surgery

If you, your family or somebody you know has skin cancer or melanomas, this discovery could save their lives.

three years ago in 2005 I was diagnosed with skin cancer, an Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma on the tip of my nose.

When I was seventeen I went to the beach with my mates and got badly sunburnt to the point of blistering, and now I have skin cancer.

The Specialist told me that It was the type that could grow bigger and work its way up to my brain and kill me.

By this time my emotions were running wild, they raced around all over the place. The blood drained from my face and I wished it were all a bad dream or a nightmare.

It seemed like my whole world was closing in around me, then I started to think and ask myself what next? What can be done about it?

Then my next conscious recollection was a voice inside of me asking the doctor what can be done about it?

He told me the best surgery was MOHS surgery where they surgically remove thin shavings of tissue; the specimen is placed under the microscope and then read by the MOHS surgeon who examines it for cancerous cells. If cancer is found, the surgeon removes the cancerous tissue from the patient. This procedure is repeated until no further cancer is found. Then a flap of skin is heat sealed over the operated section, loss of blood is minimal.

One day at work, while flicking through a magazine I saw a picture of a man who had lost his nose to skin cancer do not recall if it was the skin cancer that took his nose or if the surgery did, all I know is that the vivid picture changed my life.

All of a sudden my mind raced like a madman from one thought to another I saw myself with no nose, and saw people not being able to look at me face to face. Seeing the pity on the faces of those I love.

I reached the depths of despair I KNEW I DID NOT WANT TO LIVE LIKE THAT.

There had to be another way.

Over 1,600 Australians die from skin cancer each year

Statistics show that more Australians die of skin cancer every year then die on our Australian roads.

There is an estimated 20,000 people who die from skin cancer or melanomas worldwide every year.

A friend introduced me to a special ointment from an old American Indian formula that eats skin cancers and melanomas.

I thought what did I have to lose, if it worked it was a bonus, if not I was already booked in for surgery.

After three weeks the ointment finished its work.

I rang the specialist explained that Id used this special ointment and the skin cancer was gone so the operation would not be needed anymore.

He firmly told me that the ointments were not very effective and that I needed to be at the skin cancer clinic at 8.30a.m. Saturday to be examined under the microscope.

He explained that he would do two shavings with a scalpel,then check under the microscope and return.

It seemed as if it was a very long time even though consciously I know it was not, finally he returned.

"I have got good news for you, it is clean and you can go home" I did not need surgery

Since then I have effectively removed 99 skin cancers all without surgery, and many of my friends have also obtained the same results.

Then I decided to write an E-BOOK entitled "Skin cancer how I effectively removed an Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma without surgery" explaining exactly what I did and also pictures of skin cancers that I removed and step by step with photos exactly the procedure taken.

All the links to where to obtain the product and skin cancer pictures on the internet.

more information can be found here:-

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